March 7, 2011

Everything in Care Bear Terms

It was inevitable. Despite all the well-meaning people (thank you!) who showed up with coloring books, sticker books, learning books, activities and books in general, Sassy has become quite addicted to the TV during her three weeks of hanging out in a full leg cast. More specifically, she is addicted to our Wii system and the Netflix that comes along with it.

The sticker books are filled. The activities are all completed, and the coloring books are mostly finished too. Finished also? My brain cells, which have been so overly subjected to Wii Party music that sometimes it’s all I hear, even when it’s not on. There’s also this song from her favorite Care Bear movie that she plays over and over again, that goes something like this, “I like you, I like you. I like you. I like you.” It’s enough to make you bang your head into a wall until you thankfully lose consciousness.

This week, Mr. BBM had a very untimely business trip to Raleigh NC. I told him that he was probably looking forward to getting away from us. He protested. “Of course not!” I mean, why would he want to get away from his 5-year old daughter who has to be carried everywhere, including to and from the bathroom? Why would he want to leave this house where every smell sends me running to the bathroom and I can’t even cook because the smells of cooking and looking at certain foods, send me nearly over the barfing edge.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I told him. “You mean to tell me that you’re getting a week away from ‘Hop-a-Long’ and ‘Pukes-a-lot’ and you’re not happy about it???”

Mr. BBM laughed hysterically and then said he is concerned, because clearly, if I’m creating nicknames like that, I’ve been watching entirely too many Care Bear movies. He is so right.

Please say a prayer this cast comes off next Monday; because if it doesn’t, I’m going to require a long-term visit from Cheer Bear, stat.


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