January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009

2009 was a pretty fantastic year up until December. It marked a year of getting to know my amazing neighborhood as we came out from hibernation in the spring of 2009 and embarked on a fun spring, summer and fall of play dates, parties, and all around good times.

2009 was also the year that I finally achieved Shodan. That day in June stands out as one of the best moments of my life. The culmination of years of hard work, two surgeries and finally success, is a high point, not just for 2009 but for my entire life. However, I ended 2009 much as I started it in regards to my knee. Last January was my second surgery because of bruising and pain. I'm starting 2010 with a lot of bruising once again. That is not how I wanted to start my year. I'm hoping that 2010 will be the year that many of my knee issues are resolved, once and for all.

December brought with it a great vacation to Orlando FL and Lil C's first visit to Disney World. It also brought with it a three day delay in getting back home, a thrown together Christmas that felt more like a marathon and unfortunately, the death of our beloved cat Colby. We are all hoping for good health for our remaining cat Bear in 2010.

Personally, I think resolutions are a good thing. However, they can also be things that fill us with guilt. So, in the interest of avoiding guilt, but making positive changes in my life as well, I have a few. A neighbor of mine made her resolution last year, to moisturize more often. Initially I cracked up laughing and then I thought about it. I should totally make that resolution for myself. Then I realized how difficult it would be to keep up with that one. As much as I'd like to make that resolution as well, I know there's no way I'll be standing in my bathroom each day slathering on lotion. There's nothing quite like the disgusting feeling of pulling on jeans over top of just-lubed up legs. So, I'm going to leave that one to my neighbor, wish her much success, and make some different, more achievable ones for me.

First, I'm making a resolution to be more committed to getting my knee back in shape. I'm going to try to do something active every day, whether it's some ab work with the medicine ball or riding the stationary bike while I watch Flash Forward, I'm making a daily commitment to do something at least once a day.

Second, I'm making a resolution I know I can keep and that's my commitment to the board of directors at our local country club. I've already done some cool things over there and I want to keep the momentum going and continue to come up with new and fun ideas for the club.

Finally, and this will be the most difficult, I want to be a better Mom. I want to exercise more patience and spend more time doing fun things with my kids. If there is one thing I've learned this year, it's that time flies incredibly fast and if we don't take advantage of the time we have with loved ones when we have it, it may not be there tomorrow.

I'd like to wish all of my readers a very Happy New Year! What are some of your resolutions? Why not make one of them to read this blog more regularly? Hit subscribe in the menu above!

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