January 4, 2008

Ordered to Lounge

After hearing the surgeon say that the crutches are only for my comfort last Friday, I decided to take a mental leap of faith and ditch one.  I’ve been operating with only one crutch all week long. 

I took Big I to karate class last night with only one crutch, and even managed to make it up and down that scary flight of stairs to the upstairs training room to watch the advanced class.  It was great to be there, see everyone, and watch some karate. 

Feeling so good, today I took another leap.  Although I’ve been ditching the crutches altogether to get around smaller rooms like the bathroom and kitchen, today I walked into PT without them at all. 

My PT was shocked.  "No CRUTCHES!" he exclaimed.  I asked him if I was walking o.k. without them and he said I was walking fine.  It was when I took my brace off and pulled my pant leg up that the smile faded. 

I was swollen so much so that my PT couldn’t see the top of my knee cap like he could just days after surgery.  I’ve been ordered to back off a bit with my ambitious no crutches plan.  I need to use one crutch, lounge, and ice more often.  PT’s orders.

Because of the swelling, my flexion remained the same today.  I’m stuck at "around the same place" I was on Monday.  That’s probably PT talk for going backwards a bit.  Backwards is not the direction I want to go.  Bending my leg underneath that training table is the worst part of PT.  It takes several minutes for my knee to get warmed up enough to bend, and then I have to fight the muscle tightening and twitching that happens all throughout my upper leg. 

When I’m doing the bending and trying to push it a bit, my leg shakes and twitches and I have to back off and just breathe through the pain before trying again.  When my PT sits in front of me and gently bends my knee, I don’t twitch.  Today I told him he is able to instantly make me relax.  I told him he is endorphins in human form.  He got a kick out of that.  Maybe it’s because I know and trust him after working with him for two months now.  I just wish I could have the same relaxing effect on myself when I do the bending and stretching. 

Although I may have been a bit overly ambitious with eliminating the crutches, the increase in activity is a necessary evil.  I lost my help mid-week, and meeting the needs of a demanding two-year old all day long is not exactly what the doctor ordered.  I tried to take it easy as much as possible, even allowing Lil C to have a Pop-Tart for lunch one day (Shh, don’t tell anyone!).  I guess I probably should have held off on doing that load of laundry today too, but when you only have three outfits that work with your knee brace, laundry is another one of those necessary evils.    

It’s all just too soon. 

I guess this is where my resolution of being a more patient person comes into play.  It’s just such a confusing place to be right now.  I want to get better and progress with my recovery.  The doctor basically said I only needed the crutches for my mental well-being.  My PT says I need them until I’m through this acute phase, and from the looks of my knee today, he is right.

For me, this weekend means going back to the couch, pillows and frozen peas.  Baby steps.

***The latest review is up at The BBM Review.  If you have gift cards, holiday money, or returns and are interested in some fun, interactive toys for your children, check out the Cranium Bloom review. 

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