October 29, 2009

Of Skeletons and Creative Thinking

A couple weeks ago, I bought adorable Halloween pajamas for Lil C. They are pink and when worn in the dark, you can see a glow in the dark skeleton, complete with a sparkly pink heart. They're adorable and more importantly, the kid really needed some new pajamas.

I brought them home and was so excited to show them to her, but my excitement quickly faded. She hated them. She said, "I'm NOT wearing bones."


So, I kept trying for two weeks. Finally, two nights ago, after being super fried from being alone with the girls all week while Mr. BBM is away, I refused to get off the floor and go find her another pair of pajamas. So, I flipped them around so she couldn't see the skeletons and asked her if she wanted to wear her new pretty pink jammies.

"Yes," she exclaimed with excitement. She asked me when I bought her new jammies, but I ignored her and helped her put them on. . . backwards, careful not to show her the bones.

It was when I put the shirt on her that she noticed something was up. The baggy butt area in the backwards pants didn't clue her in prior to this. She saw a white something on the backs of the arms as I was straightening them out and asked me what they were.

"Oh those? Those are pretty white bows. Isn't that cool that you have pretty white bows all down your jammies?" She said yes, grinned ear to ear and went happily to sleep.

The next morning, I asked her how she liked sleeping in her pink jammies. She said, "I love them." It was then that I took her into the dark powder room and showed her the glowing skeleton on the back of her pants and shirt.

"What?" she yelled, and then she looked right at me, cracked up laughing and said, "Mommy, you tricked me!"

I asked her if she was going to wear them again and she said, "Yes, I like my geleton jammies now." This morning, I went to work and my Mom was here when Lil C woke up in her backwards skeleton jammies. She doesn't mind that they have skeletons on them now, but she's still going to wear them backwards.

Sometimes you just have to think out of the box. Backwards is clearly the way to go.

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