July 28, 2007

Distractions, Differences and PINK

I’ve been keeping myself very busy this week.  Busy means I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself and think about the pain

I took Big I school shopping.  I bought the girls extremely pink shoes.  Correction.  I bought one pair of sensible school shoes for Big I and one pair of very pink sneakers for Lil C.  (My Mom bought the second pair of very pink shoes for Big I.  I can not claim responsibility for any blinding that at least the one pair of shoes may cause.) 

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When Big I was this age (approaching two), it was an all out struggle to take her shoe shopping.  She screamed bloody murder when the shoe lady tried to measure her feet.  She refused to allow anyone to touch her ankle to facilitate putting a shoe on her foot.  She kicked her feet rapid fire if she didn’t like the shoe that was put on her foot (and even rebelled strongly against some she did like).  It was a complete and total nightmare.  I always left the shoe store in a sweat with a headache.   

When I asked Lil C if she wanted to get new shoes, she stood up, smiled, reached up for me and said "Hold her.  Yes."  I took her sandals off in the store and the lady measured her foot while she stood there like an angel grinning ear to ear.  Then it was time to decide on the shoes. 

While I gravitated towards the sensible white sneakers and the little black mary jane’s, Lil C had something else on her mind: "PANK!"  (Pink for those of you who don’t know toddlerease.)  And when I ignored the first request for the practically fluorescent pink shoes, "PANK ON NOW!" she told me. 

The lady brought out the black mary jane’s and put them on her first.  I oohed and aahed about the pretty bow on the shoes and how cute she looked. 

"Shoe Off" she said.  "Pank on."

So the pink went on.  She sat there smiling as the lady tied her shoelaces.  She wiggled her little feet and giggled before she said, "Pitty (Pretty).  Cool.  Pank."  She got down off the seat and ran around the store in absolute heaven. 

"Well, she does have a lot of pink clothing," I said to my Mom.  "And she can wear white, denim. . . and oh well.  If she likes them."  I asked Lil C if she wanted to get them.

"Get them," she said with a huge grin "O.K." she exclaimed as she nodded her head "yes."  I made her day and she made me spend the rest of mine moving all her pink clothing to the top of the dresser drawers.  Since we brought those very bright sneakers home a few days ago, Lil C has insisted on wearing them from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed.  She has even napped in them.  I can relate to liking my shoes too, but she’s got a love affair with those pink shoes that’s going to be nothing short of heartbreaking when she can’t fit in them anymore.  I’m dreading that day already.

One day I’m not dreading is the day I can get back in my gi.  I watched karate class this week.  Watched.  Take a moment here to feel the emphasis of that word: watched. 

Big I went out on the floor and did her thing and I sat there.  It almost drove me insane as the class went through all of the waza’s as I sat there just taking it all in.  Watching is great if you’re a spectator or a cheerleader.  I am neither of those things.  When it comes to learning, I learn best by doing.  Since doing is not an option right now, it was definitely a sad challenge to sit there and not participate.  I spent most of the class observing Big I since during class I’m usually concentrating on myself.  That part was nice, but it’s just not the same as being out on the floor.  Enough on that topic unless you want Depressed BBM back.  I’m guessing not, so moving right along. . . 

I spent the afternoon today taking Lil C to her first movie.  The girls, my Mom and I saw Ratatouille and it was really cute.  Lil C was in absolute awe of the big screen and the "mouse."  It didn’t matter how many times I whispered to her that it was a "rat."  In the shots where the rats looked small they were "mice" and in the shots where the rats took up most of the screen, they were then "cats." 

I didn’t know how she would behave.  When I took Big I to see Finding Nemo around this age, she spent the last 20 minutes of the movie pretending she was an airplane landing on the narrow strip that was the side aisle.  It was a bit distracting. 

Lil C sat on my lap the entire time, occasionally eating a piece of popcorn or candy, but mostly just taking it all in and enjoying it immensely.  It was a nice afternoon out with the girls. 

And now, what you’re all waiting for. . . Neck Watch July 2007.  I had my appointment with the massage therapist late this afternoon.  When it hurt, I told her it did.  She said that she had to really go at the messed up shoulder area because there are adhesions there that need to pretty much be attacked so they go away.  Those are not her exact words.  I was too busy flinching and trying not to scream to get the exact words. She told me I’ll hate her tomorrow but love her next week.  We’ll have to just see about that. 

Most of the massage time was great.  She really worked on my neck and shoulders and upper back and my range of motion right now is so much better than it was prior.  I know I’ll probably wake up tomorrow all locked up again, but for right now, I am pleased with the result.  I have another appointment with her and the chiropractor next week. 

Today marks one week from the initial injury.  I’m hoping I only have to watch class for another two weeks.  Only time will tell.  In the meantime, I picked up a copy of "Karate-Do My Way of Life" by Gichin Funakoshi and am enjoying it so far.  If you have any other suggestions for reading materials while I convalesce, I’m open to suggestions. 

Just please don’t recommend a book that has a pink cover.  My eyes (and the rest of my body for that matter) have suffered enough strain this week. 

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