February 10, 2009

Sick, More Sick, and Impromptu Weddings

There's nothing like a coming back from a great weekend to enter a week full of sick. Lil C spent the weekend with a fever. Monday brought a visit to the doctor for an ear infection that just won't quit. After a week of antibiotics, her ears look the same, possibly worse. So, now she's on another antibiotic, a stronger one that combines two antibiotics into one.

As the PA was writing out the prescription, she said to herself, but loud enough for me to hear, "I'm not going to worry yet."

I don't like the "yet" part of that at all.

I thought I'd only be taking Lil C to the doctor, but Big I woke up Monday morning looking like death. She was sporting a fever of over 102 and it got worse throughout the day. A strep test came back negative, so they've decided she most definitely has the flu. They warned me that this flu is especially awful, terribly contagious, and that it's taking a good 5-7 days to run its course.

Last night, before bed, her fever spiked to 104.9 so I spent the early hours of the evening piggy-backing ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep it at a more reasonable 102.5. She woke up with a fever of 103.2 and is feeling dizzy and miserable.

I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and chills. I was determined to make it to campus but I spent much of the class teaching from a seated position on a table in the front of the room. I felt shaky and dizzy and just yuck. Thank goodness I had planned to show them two videos of speeches today.

Upon arriving home today, I was told that my father-in-law and his fiance are getting married this weekend. That's right, this weekend. The wedding is about five hours away. My mother-in-law gave us only a couple days notice (two actually, I think) and we were unable to make it out for hers. It took me 11 months to plan my wedding. How this stuff happens so quickly just blows my mind, my very sore headachy mind. For now though, I just need to worry about getting through each day, one day at a time. I'll worry about how to get my sick family out to a surprise wedding once we feel better.

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