June 14, 2006

Mommy’s don’t get sick days

Getting caught up on my blog reading?  No.  Practicing my kata?  No.  Getting ready for testing?  No.  Why, you ask?  I’m sick.  Sick. Sick. Sick.  I have some sort of summer flu, complete with a fever (which is finally backing the hell off as of this afternoon), awful body aches, a killer headache, and swollen glands that are killing my throat.  I got back from vacation Saturday night, had two days to get back to normal, and then I was hit with this.  Fun.  The thing that’s really fun?  Lil C is standing up EVERYWHERE, and she’s not exactly what you would call stable.  I am a human shadow, a sick human shadow.  I don’t have any family members who don’t work; and I don’t have a babysitter I can call to take care of the munchkins.  I am seriously pining for the school-aged sick days, when my Mom would fix me soup and bring me drinks every hour on the hour, get me tissues, keep things quiet, etc. etc. etc. so I could rest.   Ahhh, the school-aged sick days, full of morning talk shows, followed by Gilligan’s Island and then an afternoon of soaps, followed by Oprah.  I miss those days.  A lot.

So, I emailed my karate school and told them I wouldn’t be in class because I’m sick and my instructor emailed me back to say that I should try to make it in this week because it’s pre-testing.  WHAT???????  PRE-TESTING!!!!!  That means that testing is not four weeks away.  That means that it is either this week or next.  Where did I lose those weeks?  How will I EVER be ready?  Unless I find a print out of my weapons kata, I am in big fat trouble.  Also, for this testing, we have to do break-falls (which means, throw yourself on the ground without getting hurt, if that’s possible).  Break-falls with a flu-ridden body.  Yeah.  So. Not. Happening.  I am hoping I can postpone my testing for a week or two, so I don’t have to wait until September.  I don’t want to get behind.  I spent enough time getting behind while at home with Lil C in those early post-birth months. 

I’m going to make a little prediction here. . . as soon as I start feeling well enough to work on my kata, one or both (most likely both) of my girls will come down with my little summer flu.  As far as that kata update I promised. . . we’re at a stand still people.  A big sick unhappy stand still.  This Mommy needs to call off work, but just can’t.  And in case you weren’t already convinced of it. . . Yes, I am feeling sorry for myself. 

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