March 7, 2008

Not One More Thing

There is nothing more frightening than being faced with the very real possibility that something could be seriously wrong with your child.  After spending the entire week out of school, Big I actually seemed to be perking up today; and then she showed me an odd rash that was forming on her arms. 

A couple years ago, we rushed Big I to the doctor with another weird rash.  We were reassured by the doctor on that visit because he told us it was a common rash and not a serious petichial rash.  He explained the difference to us and told us that petichial rashes don’t blanche when you push on them.  Petichial rashes are very serious business and represent bleeding beneath the skin.

The rash that Big I brought to my attention today was none other than a petichial rash.  I started inspecting her everywhere and found a splotch on her forehead, more rash on the backs of her arms and shoulders, up and down her arms to her wrists and even on her back.  I immediately told her to go show her daddy who was working in the basement, not knowing that our world was about to be turned upside down. 

Within minutes, we were on the phone with the doctor and within another 20 minutes, Mr. BBM and Big I were at their office (Still sick, I was stuck at home with Lil C.)  A finger stick revealed a very low platelet count and a white count that wasn’t even showing up.  Mr. BBM was told to take Big I to the hospital for a complete blood work-up.  The doctors mentioned lupus, mono, a blood disorder called ITP, leukemia and about ten other awful possibilities. 

We were sick with worry.  You know things are bad when you’re actually hoping that your child has ITP instead of any of the other auto-immune diseases that would have rocked our world in unimaginable ways. 

Five vials full of blood and three hours later, we got the call that everything, minus her platelet count, is completely normal.  Platelets are supposed to be around 150,000.  Big I’s came in at only 53,000.  They think it’s directly related to how sick she has been this week.  She is under strict orders to take it very easy this weekend.  No rough playing, no doing anything that might cause her to fall or get hurt.  Monday morning she’ll have to have another finger stick to make sure her platelets are coming back up.

I got off the phone with the doctor and just broke down crying.  There is absolutely nothing more terrifying than imagining all the potential things that could be wrong with your child.  I was just so relieved I could turn that part of my mind off.

Today, we found out that our offer for building our new home has been accepted.  It’s amazing how something as exciting as building a new home can completely pale in comparison to finding out your child is going to be o.k. 

It has been a sick, horrible, and scary week for us; but we are hoping that these bits of good news begin a brand new trend, a healthy new trend.         

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