September 13, 2007


I very well may lose your respect in my first paragraph, but I have to say it. . . I like the Teletubbies. I know they’re odd.  They have ridiculous names (Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, and Po); they have television screens for bellies, and they talk weird.  I get it, but my girls just adore them (and so do I).  Shh, don’t tell ANYONE!

A few short week ago, Lil C was terrified of the vacuum cleaner.  In a split level home with six levels to be vacuumed, this is a serious problem.  I was practically throwing my back out every time I had to run the vacuum because Lil C took up prime real estate on my hip for the duration. 

Then one day, I had a brilliant idea. 

"Lil C" I said, "our vacuum is just like the Teletubbies Noo-Noo!"  We watched a couple episodes on Tivo where the happy little Noo-Noo gladly followed around the Teletubbies and cleaned up their tubby custard spills and their tubby toast crumbs.  I took her over to our vacuum and told her, "This is our Noo-Noo.  See, Noo-Noo’s are nice.  They don’t want to vacuum up little girls or toys, just dirt.  They like to clean up dirt." 


"Noo-Noo," she said smiling.  It was totally working. 

I sat her on the sofa with her posse of stuffed animals and told her I was going to turn the Noo-Noo on.  She looked nervous; but instead of screaming like she had in the past, she squeezed Elmo a little tighter and just sat there watching the "Noo-Noo" do its thing.  It was a total and complete success. 

"Noo-Noo cleanin’ up," she’d say.  "Noo-Noo no like toyses," she’d repeat like a mantra. I had successfully eased her fear of the dreaded vacuum.  And then today happened.

We were watching an afternoon episode of the Teletubbies when something crazy happened.  The Noo-Noo, always a perfectly behaved little vacuum cleaner, completely and totally lost it.  Instead of cleaning up tubby custard, the Noo-Noo literally ate Laa Laa’s ball. 

"OH NO!"  Lil C yelled, looking at me like she’d just had the shock of the century.  Then the Noo-Noo proceeded to eat Dipsy’s hat.

"What HAP END?  Oh NOOOO!" she yelled louder.

"Oh NO, Pack back!" she screamed in anticipation of the Noo-Noo eating Tinky Winky’s bag for dessert, and that’s exactly what the Noo-Noo did. 

She walked around the living room like her entire world had just crumbled around her.  "It’s o.k." I said, "The Noo-Noo is just being silly.  Silly Noo-Noo."  But the show ended and there was no vacuum regurgitation or bag changing that I saw. 

In an attempt to end the Teletubby experience with a good memory, I quickly found an episode on our DVR and fast forwarded to the Noo-Noo part.  To my shock and horror (and to Lil C’s as well), the Noo-Noo approached each sleeping Teletubby and sucked their blankets right off of their colorful rotund bodies. 

Lil C spent the rest of the day telling me "Oh NO Noo-Noo!  Noo-Noo eat blanket.  Noo-Noo eat ball.  Noo-Noo Dipsy’s hat!  Oh NO NOO-NOO!  What HAP END?" 

I really need to vacuum tomorrow and I have a feeling we’re going back to the drawing board. Thanks a LOT Noo-Noo! 

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