June 25, 2007

Back-In need of another vacation

Coming back from vacation is rough.  There are the mounds of sand covered laundry, the unpacking of all the other stuff, reacclimating the munchkins to a decent bedtime, and coming back to realize that your next few weeks are going to be killer.

Big I auditioned for a play and now has 12 hours of play practice every week until the play is over.  Not only that, but parents are put to work while there.  Tonight, I was the green paint lady, while Big I tried to catch up from all the practices she’s missed so far.  By the end of the three hours, we were both yawning something fierce. 

I also have to deal with the fact that I need to get back into a karate training routine.  I had these grand delusions of kata on the beach and practicing with my weapons, but the truth is (sigh) that being on vacation with two kids is hard work.  I think I finally understand why many of my friends leave their kids behind and go vacationing by themselves. 

As much as I wanted to take my sai out onto the beach, I was feeling a bit too self-conscious to ultimately go through with it and practice some of those throws.  There’s also the fact that the Outer Banks beaches have lots of little crabs scurrying around, digging holes in the sand, and I really didn’t want to have to explain a crab shish-ka-bob to Big I.  That’s my excuse du jour anyway. 

I did do pilates twice and I also took a run on the beach. . . once.  I know, pathetic right?  But I can only take so much of feeling like someone just set fire to my lungs on vacation.  Instead I chose to read almost three books and sip some Corona’s.

So I took a little break from training; but I’ll get back at it. . . as soon as I vacuum up all this sand and put away the 2000 pieces of clothing I took along on vacation.

To all of you who contacted me with your words of support over my little "troll" problem last week, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and offers to help.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re better off. . . trust me.  😉  If you do, you know who you are, and thank you!

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