August 11, 2010
What Matters to You: One-a-Day and Wellness
This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Bayer One A Day Multivitamins.
When it comes to the core components of life (relationships, family, money, nutrition, health), what matters to you most? It's a difficult question to answer because money doesn't mean much if you don't have health. Many of these components work within each other. But when I think about what matters the most to me, even when I haven't been my healthiest (three years of knee problems will sort of make you feel unhealthy), it's the relationships in my life that have carried me through the rough times.
After losing my cat at Christmas (had to put him to sleep on Christmas night-imagine telling your kids that when you walk in the door from the vet), and then losing my grandmother over the course of three hospital stays and finally a massive stroke that resulted in us moving her to hospice care, and then finding out I needed to have a third knee surgery, it's hard to feel positive about anything.
But then it hit me, that although these past months have been unbelievably challenging ones for me, although I've often thought "Why me? Why all of this now?" on more than one occasion, I realized I most certainly did have reason to feel thankful for certain things and people in my life.
First and foremost, these past months taught me that my neighbors are not merely neighbors; they are friends, dear friends. The people on my street and in my community rallied around me, bringing prepared meals and heartfelt wishes for personal peace, so much so that it was a bit overwhelming. My karate friends, some who hadn't seen me in months, showed up and offered me emotional support even though I haven't been able to attend class. I am so very thankful for the friends that I have in my life, those near and those far away, who are always able to make me feel better whether it's a personal visit or a phone call. I am so very blessed with an amazing support structure of wonderful people. Relationships, meaningful ones, can make all the difference in your life.
When you're not feeling at your best mentally, and when you're having trouble digging yourself out of the doldrums, having a good support system is key to getting yourself back on track. Speaking of getting yourself on track, there is an interesting little tool that you can use to help you keep track of and continue to work on your own wellness goals. "What matters to you" is a great website, sponsored by One a Day Women's Multivitamins, where one can navigate around a relaxing website and focus in on your own personal goals. Whether you find your goals and a healthy lifestyle by using this site or not, the pictures and the ease of navigation alone will delight your senses and relax you.
And here's another thing that can delight and relax you. . . winning $150. For your chance to win the $150 giveaway from BlogHer, please answer the following question in the comments below:
What matters to you more?
For another five chances to win $150 from BlogHer, make sure you visit this page so you can check out all of these sponsored posts and up your chances at winning. There's also an additional chance to win a $100 Visa card on the main page! Winner will be chosen one month from today!
My children and husband matter way more to me than a clean house. Not that my house is filthy, but I’m not endlessly dusting like a maniac. I’d rather have fun with my family.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
What matters more to me than anything is the well-being of my son. His happiness and health is my number one priority.
The health of my family is so very important to me.That is always my main concern/Thank you.
The health of myself and my family matter most. Without that I mine as well have nothing else. Like you, I lost my grandfather to a stroke just one month after I also lost my grandmother (his wife) to lung disease. Watching them both suffer was torture and knowing my grandfather lived long enough after the stroke to know what happened to him (he lost speech and movement of one side of his body) makes me wonder if he died in peace. Without the health, love and support of the rest of my family, my husband, my son- it would have been so much harder to move on.
My husband and children are most important to me. As I get older, I realize more and more HOW important family is! I always want them to know how loved they are and never take a single day for granted!
What matters most to me at the moment is to start doing things for myself. I’m always taking care of my dad or my brother or sister that I forget to live for myself. I’ve learned it’s okay to put me first sometimes and still be able to look out for everyone else.
Having unconditional love for those around me is what matters most. I know first hand that when that doesn’t happen and I’m hurting because of others choices it can in fact effect my health. I don’t have to like what others may choose to do but loving them regardless is ultimately more beneficial to both of us.
What matters the most to me is my well being and my mothers. She is my everything and without her I don’t think I could stay “balanced”!
My kids and their health and happiness. I want them to live full lives and feel that there is nothing they cannot do.
My husbands health means more to me than anything. He’s been sick with they think is Fibromyalgia and stomach problems. We hopefully will find out what is wrong with his stomach the end of the month. We take multi vitamins and herbs for our health.
I’m a big fan of a clean house and I have great friends and a cool job, but the most important role of my life is raising my kids so that they can be the kind of adults I’ll enjoy.
having the energy to keep with my twin boys and remain the true tomboy at heart that I am.
The health and happiness of my family is more important than a spotlessly clean house.
My husband, kids, extended family and friends and job have always been a given but lately my focus has been on moving…we’ve well outgrown this “starter” house the past 20 years and my goal is buying a larger house in the suburbs where my daughter can go to a good school. It’s rough because the housing market has bottomed out and sometimes I think we’re never going to “get out”. I’ve been focusing on what I can do each day to work toward my goal. I made a list of tasks that need to be done before we can list our house and every day I try to cross one thing off the list whether it’s a big one like “purge all outgrown clothes stored in the attic” or just “clean off the washer and dryer”. I also have a list of family tasks that I try to have us do every few weeks like “clean out the garage”’s amazing how quickly we can get it done when we’re all working together as a team.
my family is most important. We are so busy during the week that we try to enjoy having fun or relaxing on the weekends.
I do get wrapped up in work, keeping the house clean, etc but my family is first.
misaacmom at gmail dot com
What matters the most to me is having healthy kids!
My family matters the most, but I think that everything I do for them is part of what makes them happy, so it’s about finding a good balance of time to clean house(and have them help!), cook, run errands, and also spending quality family time together. (Playing together, eating together, talking, etc.)
More than anything my Grandsons matter to me.
My kids and my husband matter most to me.
My family and our health matter the most to me. We are working on emphasizing healthy habits on a daily basis.
The health and happiness of my husband, three sons, and two grandsons matters the most to me. I could live without everything except them.
I love spending time with my family!
My personal time matters the most to me. Without having that every day, I do not feel that I am present to either my husband or my kids.
Spending quality time with my family matters most to me.
My family matters the most. I have realized though that even though I know this, I don’t always show this to them. My actions have to show that they matter more than anything else. I have been working on my patience, my words and how to demonstrate my love and affection effectively.
My family… especially our baby due in 4.5 weeks!
My husband and daughter matter the most to me. No question. Family comes first in our house.
What matters more to me than anything else is my family.
My husband and kids matter most, but I do constantly have to remind myself not to obsess over the smaller stuff.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
My husband, our dog, and our health matter the most to me. I have to prioritize my health so that I can be better able to take care of my family!
My little family – amazing husband and two Maine Coon cats – are my life. They matter more to me than anyone or anything. I have great girlfriends who I love like sisters, but my husband is my very best friend.
Being disabled makes it hard for me to do anything around the house sometimes I feel useless but my family is my support system they help with the daily chores and don’t make me feel bad that I cant help I love them so much!
My family matters most to me. Their health and happiness seems to contribute to my own. I agree, relationships make all the difference.
My family’s happiness and well-being matters the most to me.
My kids matter more than anything to me.
my family and my health
tvollowitz at aol dot com
After losing my Mom I realized that spending time with my family is what matters most
I matter the most! =p
my kids and their safety right now means the world to me
My husband,brother and daughter are the most important things in the world to me.
Thanks for the chance.
we make time to be with all family members.
My family means the most to me.
Family time matters more
Positive people in my life to help me through the challenges
My family matters the most to me
Being healthy means more to me.
My family matters most to me.
The safety, well-being, and happiness of my loved ones is what matters more to me. I try to make myself a priority so that I can be able to care for them better, but that doesnt always fit into a day.
My family means the most.
What matters to me most is my family first, then myself and my girl second, then others in my community lastly
Like write.
I find that I’ve been taking more time to myself to do the things that I want to do by locking myself away in my cave
my family matters most to me, and my goal is to make sure that the time I spend with them is high quality time
My health, spending time with my family, and having time for myself matter most to me.
My family is very important and to make sure we all our happy.
My marriage/husband, family and myself. Friends. Without these in my life – things are much harder and much more stressful!
Being healthy for my family.
I try and take some time to myself at least once a month. I go out with a friend or get a pedicure. It helps me remember that I’m a person outside of being a mother and wife.
My family is definitely the most important thing in my life. I try to cherish every moment with them!
As I have gotten older I realize how important my parents are and how blessed I am to still have them in my life when so many of my friends have already lost their parents. They matter more to me than they ever have!!
What matters most to me is spending time with my hubby and our boys. Hanging out. Laughing. Doing nothing. Traveling. Playing games. Eating together and talking about our day.
Making time for family and friends is very important to me. I find that when I take time to focus on myself some, I am a better mom and friend.
Keeping up with my 5-year old is what matters most. That’s part of the reason I joined her Tang Soo Do school… she’s in great shape, and I need to be to keep up with her.
faith, family, friends…always.
ok aside from the of course answers, family, pets friends etc.. What really matters to me is laughing and forgiving.
Quality time with my husband and family!! And wlaking our dog.
My daughter left for school a week ago today, and I’ve been suffering from a bad case of Empty Nest Syndrome. Family is tops with me.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
My daughter left for school a week ago today. All week I’ve suffered from a major case of Empty Nest Syndrome. If I didn’t know it before, I know it now: My kids come first in my heart.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Definitely my hubby and my home. I found that you can have everything in the world but if you do not have a wonderful person to share it with it doesn’t really mean much.
The happiness and well-being of my kids matter to me, even though they are grown.
what matters to me most right now is losing weight so that i feel good about myself
what matters most in my life is my Hubby and the Kids. i can overcome whatever life throws at me with the support of my husband & kids
Making time for myself
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
What matters to me most is finding time to exercise, being more conscious about the environment, and spending time with my family
My children
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
What matters most to me is giving in three areas: my family, my friends, and myself. I have learned not to skimp on myself, because if I do, I am no good for my family and friends. I have to devote time to my own physical and mental well being–if I don’t love myself, who will?
Family matters most to me.
I matter most to me. I make sure I take good care of myself (eat right, get sleep, exercise) so I can take care of my son, husband and others.
there seems to be a definite trend of my children come first… but it’s true
What matters to me is my family. I want them to know how much I love them. I’m working on a legacy that will influence them to love and care for their children/spouse someday!
I want to produce GREAT adults in my children!
My husband and kids matter way more than anything else. I love having a feeling of connection with them. If I don’t have it, my whole world feels off kilter.
Sorry about your losses. It’s been a difficult year here, too.
Chilling with my family ranks highest on my list. : )
My kids & grandkids are the most important area of my life.
My kids and hubby are the most important! It used to be work and the house before the kids came along so things have absolutely changed over the years. Unfortunately I am usually last, but my time will come when they are all grown and taking care of themselves!
The older I get the more my family, especially my parents matter to me. I have lost so many people in the past few years, that I want to spend as much time with my older relatives.
smchester at gmail dot com
What matters most to me is the health and well being of my daughter! And, raising her to be a caring, good, independent person.
My husband matters the most to me. We are a team!
I will definitely say that my house comes last and hubby and kittens come first
Time flies, an in the end it won’t matter if you wear designer clothing or have an immaculate house . . . memories will matter!
bluegirl1423 (at) gmail (dot) com
God matter most, then family, then friends, and work falls in somewhere at the end.
I consider my husband and two daughters to be my most important assets in life. I don’t care for status or riches in this life, though I feel that God blesses us daily; I only wish for a healthy, happy family!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
My family is what matters most to me, but that certainly does not rule out taking time for myself. It helps, of course, that my family is grown and I am not responsible for their daily life in any way. Now that I have retired, I can spend time doing things that I enjoy but had to fit in around family responsibilities and work responsibilities before.
My family and the fact that they are healthy is what matters most to me. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
Jesus and my family. I have been through many trials in my life and they are always the two constants.
Jenni Carlisle
Raising healthy and emotionally strong children
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
The love of my family and doing what it takes to be a good friend are the things that matter most to me.
My husband and children matter to me more than anything else in my life. Now that we have an “empty nest”, I value time with them even more, especially those rare occasions when we’re all together.
my husband and dogs matter to me the most. i always make time for them
They say it’s not the quantity but the quality that counts. In my life, my husband and daughter’s love matter the most to me. I hope I get to live a long happy life with them, but I like to live like today is my last day, taking nothing for granted.
God and my family matter the most to me. What else is there?
Right now, getting healthier, living healthier matters very much to me.
The health and happiness of my family (including myself) is what is ultimately most important to me.
Spending time with my family and their health and happiness mean the most to me
ktgonyea at
family is the most important thing to me; then my part-time job as a tutor–i feel like i am making a difference in some teens’ lives; then crafting (to make me feel creative and productive in a meaningful way); then housework (ha)
Finding time for creativity and expression.
Right now what matters most to me is restarting my life after surviving a long illness.
My family is what matters the most to me – life is too short and no matter how long (or short) we live it is never enough time with our loved ones. Cherish all the time with them you have!
My daughter means the most to me right now. She has been since she was born. I love each and every moment that I am with her.
My kids matter the most. They are all teens and still like to be around mom and want to BE with Mom even if their friends are around. I’m lucky <3
Obviously, my kids will always come first when it comes to their health, safety and well being, but as a working mom, I cherish my “me” time and am not guilty for taking it. I’m lucky enough to have a great husband who will take my boys for an entire day! When I get free time, I’m not one of those women who feel guilty or don’t know what to do with themselves….I use it fully to do all that nourishes my spirit.
What matters to me most is my family! I want them to be happy and healthy!
Health of my family members matters the most to me. I’ve come to realize nothing matters without good health.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Jessie C.
First and foremost it’s health. As the cliche’ goes health is wealth. You can not handle other challenges without good health.
What matters most to me is my family, friends, loved ones. After very, very nearly losing my husband suddenly, and the losing my mom very suddenly and unexpectedly, I learned to cherish every single moment with those I love. Everything else is just secondary. Enjoy life, enjoy nature, enjoy your loved ones, because we truly never know what the next day or even the next hour may bring. sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
What matters to me more is having time to have a balanced life, with time for family and friends as well as satisfying work and private time.
Being with my family!!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
My family is the most important thing to me,as my children get older I realize that the time I have left to spend with them before the are grown and gone is getting shorter by the day.
My personal time is very valuable to me. And the time I spend with my husband is the most important!
My personal time is very valuable to me. And the time I spend with my husband is the most important!
My family, small as it may be, is the most important thing to me.
Having a healthy family and a job I love is very important to me.
I do take a one a day vitamin as I think your health is very important.
My family matters to me most because they are irreplaceable.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com
Nothing matters more to me than my husband and my dog! We have a great life together!
Having a child who has had cancer it really puts thing into perspective and you just don’t sweat the small stuff! Family always comes first.
My daughter, hubby and the rest of my family are most important to me. The house and everything else will get worked out! (eventually)
My family matters the most to me. Their health and happiness are priorities.
My cat died two years ago on Christmas morning. That really stood out to me in your story.
But what really matters to me is the memory and legacy of my late daughter and every single moment I have with my teenage son. I want to bottle it up and save them all for later!
My father was given six months to live. As an only child it has fallen on me to do things and handle affairs I had never dreamed possible. I thought I knew what to expect but I was way off. I have learned that having my husband and kids by me is what matters most. They are my rock.
The health and safety of my family, including my parents, matter more than anything. And of course my own health so I can keep up with everyone!
My family matters to me more than anything…Husband first of course and then I have a wonder grown son.
Spending time with friends and family ones matters to me more than just about anything. Almost everyone I have a close connection to live far away so when I become unable to travel, it also neatly cut off my entire social life. I did try to substitute internet, but when I knew I would never be able to spend time with those people ever again, reading what they were up to somehow became more depressing than I could handle. I had nothing to talk about but medical stuff and work. The last thing I wanted was for them to remember me like that so I cut myself off entirely for many years. Now that I am miraculously able to leave the house and travel to our gatherings again, I cherish those times more than anything else in my life.
trying to get my health back is most important, maybe i can start to live again someday
My husband and kids matter more to me than anything else. I’ll set aside whatever I’m doing to spend time with them any day. I enjoy my family.
What matters most is family. Spending time with them. Sharing your time with those who need help. Taking time to relax for yourself.
Being able to spend time with my family is what matters to me.
what matters most to me is the health and safety of my kids and my hubby. Everything else is trivial
My family and my health matter most to me. All other things are just that, “things”.
The health and well-being of my family matters most to me.
My partner is my #1 priority and I try to make sure nothing ever overshadows that.
Family. Matters MOST. Spending time and making memories.
What matters to me more is the health and happiness of my family (and that includes me!) When we eat well, exercise together, get enough rest and take time to do little things we enjoy, we all feel better.
I think a persons perspective is always changing, and always should, as one’s life is always changing and different things require attention at different times. Before my two month old twin boys were born, I was a lot more focused on making friends and having an apartment I could show off to my friends. Now I barely have time to shower, let alone have a gals get together! That’s ok though, because my boys are what matters most right now and their needs need to occupy the majority of my day, even though I love my friends and miss spending time with them. There’s a season for all things.
What matters more is showing my kids that life’s simple pleasures – a baseball game, shooting stars, running through the sprinkler – are the most fun.
I think family is what matters most.
My kids matter to me more than anything. They are the most incredible thing I have ever done with my life, and I feel bad for every woman who has not had the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom.
Supporting my boys in the sports activities is more important than making a dime.
Supporting my boys in the sports activities is more important than making a dime.
Being with my family matters to me more than anything else in my life.
My first priority is my relationship with God. The more I nurture this, the more I find I have to pour into the relationships with my children, grandchild, and others with whom I come in contact.
I am most thankful that my family is happy and healthy. Material things are replaceable family isnt.
Taking out time to spend with my family and fulfilling my dreams and aspirations both matter to me the most.
Making memories with family matters most to me.
Family matters most. Bills will get paid eventually, friends will come and go, but family is always there no matter what.
Being happy with my family matters the most to me. I am never more happy and content than when we are all laughing and enjoying the moment in life. I feel blessed to have them every day.
What matters to me the most is spending time with my family. However, my wife and I do take time for date nights at least twice a month. And, at least once a month, we take time to do things on our own that we enjo. For example, last week I watched over the brood while she went out shopping and for coffee with her girlfriends. And this weekend I will go out for a motorcycle ride with my buddies. It is important for us to “recharge” every so often. It’s a delicate balance.
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
What matter to me most is having a family that is content. Work comes in at a distant second.
My husband and children matter most to me. It’s nice watching our children grow and experience life. My Mom matters to me too as she has Alzheimers Disease and I’m never sure how long we have untill she doesn’t remember who I am, so I try to spend a lot fo time with her too.
What matters more to me is taking the time to enjoy the small moments with my family. Watching the humming birds and forgetting about the stress of the day.
My husband and the Navy
Of course what matters to me most is my children but that has never changed for me! I am a very protective mother and I am working hard everyday to make their lives good now and great later! I also care very much for all my animals including my best friend Speedy who is a chihuahua
My family and friends matter the most to me. My mother is in a nursing home and I know that she probably won’t be with me much longer, so I cherish all my time with her.
My grandchildren are the most important to me,I love watching each one of them grow up and turn into beautiful adults one by one..I just hope that I am still around when the last one graduates!
Taking one day at a time for tomorrow is promised to no one and the things that matter the most my only son and my health will fall into place too with The Help of The Almighty!
I am blessed to have my family and friends and recetly to have graduated from the SALLT Program to be a lay minister in the Lutheran Church! Thanks!
spending time with my loved ones is what matters most to me
What matters to me more is having healthy children. As long as the house is passable … I’m happy!
Spending time with my husband and my family is definitely the most important thing to me. We moved cross country so that we could be near family and I really appreciate my time with them!
My family matters to me the most.
My husband and kids are what matter most to me.
I just turned 35 at the end of August and I had this sorta epiphany. It probably sounds selfish, but I’ve decided that what matters most to me at the moment is me, making my self healthier and happier. And that way I can be the best person for my family and friends.
My husband and kids. Two years ago today I married my husband and he has been a wonderful husband and father