August 11, 2010

What Matters to You: One-a-Day and Wellness

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Bayer One A Day Multivitamins.

When it comes to the core components of life (relationships, family, money, nutrition, health), what matters to you most? It's a difficult question to answer because money doesn't mean much if you don't have health. Many of these components work within each other. But when I think about what matters the most to me, even when I haven't been my healthiest (three years of knee problems will sort of make you feel unhealthy), it's the relationships in my life that have carried me through the rough times.

After losing my cat at Christmas (had to put him to sleep on Christmas night-imagine telling your kids that when you walk in the door from the vet), and then losing my grandmother over the course of three hospital stays and finally a massive stroke that resulted in us moving her to hospice care, and then finding out I needed to have a third knee surgery, it's hard to feel positive about anything.

But then it hit me, that although these past months have been unbelievably challenging ones for me, although I've often thought "Why me? Why all of this now?" on more than one occasion, I realized I most certainly did have reason to feel thankful for certain things and people in my life.

First and foremost, these past months taught me that my neighbors are not merely neighbors; they are friends, dear friends. The people on my street and in my community rallied around me, bringing prepared meals and heartfelt wishes for personal peace, so much so that it was a bit overwhelming. My karate friends, some who hadn't seen me in months, showed up and offered me emotional support even though I haven't been able to attend class. I am so very thankful for the friends that I have in my life, those near and those far away, who are always able to make me feel better whether it's a personal visit or a phone call. I am so very blessed with an amazing support structure of wonderful people. Relationships, meaningful ones, can make all the difference in your life.

When you're not feeling at your best mentally, and when you're having trouble digging yourself out of the doldrums, having a good support system is key to getting yourself back on track. Speaking of getting yourself on track, there is an interesting little tool that you can use to help you keep track of and continue to work on your own wellness goals. "What matters to you" is a great website, sponsored by One a Day Women's Multivitamins, where one can navigate around a relaxing website and focus in on your own personal goals. Whether you find your goals and a healthy lifestyle by using this site or not, the pictures and the ease of navigation alone will delight your senses and relax you.

And here's another thing that can delight and relax you. . . winning $150. For your chance to win the $150 giveaway from BlogHer, please answer the following question in the comments below:

What matters to you more?

For another five chances to win $150 from BlogHer, make sure you visit this page so you can check out all of these sponsored posts and up your chances at winning. There's also an additional chance to win a $100 Visa card on the main page! Winner will be chosen one month from today!

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