September 28, 2007
My husband went to Germany. . .
. . . and all I got was . . .
Well, what do you think? Think I’ll get anything at all (he comes back tomorrow)? I’m going with German shampoo samples from the hotel as my gift.
What do you think he’ll bring me?
Feel free to take a guess, even if you just rolled in here on a google search for scallop food poisoning. My visitor stats are going up like crazy, but my comments are not which means I have a lot of new lurkers. So, stop lurking and take a guess.
September 27, 2007
Bad Influence
I am often complimented on having well behaved children. I am frequently asked how I did that. The truth is, I really have no idea. I don’t tolerate temper tantrums and whining. I don’t indulge my kids to get them to do what I want them to do. I expect certain behaviors and they know there are consequences if those behavior expectations aren’t met. These things don’t seem like that big of a deal to me. It’s just how it’s going to be in this house and the girls know it.
I also got really lucky when I was blessed with my two awesome girls.
Today I took Lil C to her first story time at the library. The kids are anywhere between the ages of 18-36 months. When we first tried to walk in the room, Lil C put the brakes on. She will frequently do this. If we are about to walk into a store she doesn’t want to walk into, she will stop. I swear this toddler knows more about ki than I do, because she will drop hers, suddenly become 2000 pounds and practically impossible to move. It’s amazing. I think she was a zen master in a former life or something.
Today, she put on the brakes, but I was able to ease her into the room by pointing out the monkey puppets, the books, the kids. While most of the other kids talked during the story and/or wandered around (one little boy ran circles around the storyteller for a while), Lil C sat quietly on my lap and did nothing but pay attention. When I peeked around at her face, a slight grin rested on her lips. It was adorable.
After the stories were read, we did a craft. Crafts for Lil C at home go something like this. Big I gets out construction paper and markers. As soon as Lil C picks one up or starts drawing, Big I shows her "how to do it the right way" and a meltdown or a complete and total loss of interest then follows. Without her big sister to boss her around, Lil C was in heaven. She used a glue stick and made a monkey face. She glued googly eyes on and then used a marker to "decorate" her monkey further. She was an absolute angel.
As we were leaving the story room, she handed me her monkey craft so that she could pick up the monkey puppet on the floor. She held it and giggled for a couple seconds and then said, "Put it down. Time to go." She put that monkey back on the floor, grabbed her monkey and my hand and we left. I was floored. She’s a fabulous kid.
Sure, she occasionally rebels against anything that’s not pretzels or goldfish crackers; I sometimes spend entire days convincing her that she doesn’t need to eat another go-gurt. Sometimes her favorite word is "no" and she says it with her big sister’s attitude, but she is 99% a very good girl.
That’s why the recent additions to her vocabulary are that much more amusing horrifying amusing, no horrifying (I don’t know-you decide). On Sunday, Mr. BBM was getting ready for his trip to Germany (Yes, I’m surviving-thanks for asking) and he happened to stub his toe on my dresser while he was running around trying to locate matching socks, etc. He said "ouch." Lil C said, "Something-that-rhymes with ‘odd’, dam (like what a beaver makes), it." If you know Lil C and have spent any time around her, you know that her pronunciation is exquisite. If you say a big word, she will repeat it with precision, often sounding it out into syllables, and trying it out slowly a few times before she nails it.
She’s not yet two and she can say near perfectly the words: ridiculous, disgusting, and Sleeping Beauty. It’s amazing. But what was even more amazing is that no one had said those three words in a string for at least 15 minutes or longer, and yet she still equated Daddy hurting his toe with using those words. It was brilliant and funny and the three non-swearing members of our family burst out laughing. It was just that funny. She then repeated it, and I think that Big I cried a bucket of tears from laughter. I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard (into my pillow of course to avoid drawing attention to it, but something tells me Lil C noticed that she was amusing us all).
Follow that with today’s choice word. Lil C had announced that she needed a diaper change, so I started to change her. I’ve been listening to a lot of Justin Timberlake lately and there’s this one song called "Damn Girl." If you’ve heard it you know that he repeats those words several times in a row and it’s a very catchy song. I’ve been singing it a lot. . . too much, apparently.
As I opened up the diaper, I couldn’t help myself. "Damn Girl" I started singing to Lil C. Big I was laughing her head off. Lil C giggled and then started rapping the song herself, "Damn girl, damn girl, damn girl, damn girl, damn." She did a perfect JT rendition and I about fell over.
I know you’re not supposed to react in any way, and the offending word will go away. But it is SO difficult not to laugh when she uses the words appropriately and with the proper emphasis with that little voice of hers.
I’ll tell you when I won’t be laughing though. . . when Lil C and I show up for cafeteria and recess chaperone duty this week. I’m hoping no one stubs their toe, and that she doesn’t need a diaper change. Otherwise, I’m going to have some explaining to do.
September 26, 2007
I have been at my new dojo for about a month now. I had no idea what to expect in the beginning. I was nervous. Would the people there wonder who I was and treat me differently since I walked in there as a 1st kyu and not a white belt? Would the instructors think I was any good? Would Big I adjust ok? I had a lot of worries and concerns. This is nothing new for me; I worry about everything.
Five weeks after starting, I can now say that the worries were completely unnecessary. I can’t tell you how happy we are to be at our new dojo home. Every single person there: kids, kyu ranks, black belts, and instructors have welcomed us with open arms. We have great training partners, great teachers, and are making some friends too.
Coming in to the new school, I figured I would just lay low, and get my feet wet gradually as I got to know everyone. I wanted to make sure I didn’t step on anyone’s toes or make any assumptions about anything. I’ve been approaching my training with eyes wide open, learning new things, and getting comfortable in my new surroundings.
So when I was asked to teach an intro lesson by myself to a new white belt this week, I was floored. For the past few weeks, I’ve been asked to help on occasion by holding bags while the kids kick and helping out in that respect. That has been flattering all on its own. This was something new.
New students at our dojo get three private lessons where basic blocks, punches, stances and self defense are taught. They are also introduced to general dojo reshiki (courtesies), the meaning behind bowing and the shinza, etc. So, the new student and I went to the downstairs training room and got to work. I really enjoyed it, and couldn’t believe how fast the time flew.
A couple weeks ago, one of my instructors gave some statistics. He said that you learn 10% of what you hear, 20% of what you see, and 90% of what you teach. I used to teach high school English and often had the students learn something and then teach it to the rest of their group, so I’m familiar with those percentages. When you’re teaching someone else basic wrist grab self defense, you have to really think about not only how to do it, but also how to explain it. Explaining it and demonstrating helps you to develop an even deeper understanding of it yourself.
When the lesson was over, the woman I worked with thanked me and said I had done a good job. I knew I was a capable English teacher, but I certainly didn’t know how that would translate into karate. Apparently, teaching skills are transferable between different subject matters. Good to know.
The new student had also done a good job. I certainly remember those first few weeks in karate class when EVERYTHING felt so awkward. The private lesson is nice for that very reason. You only have to feel silly in front of one person.
When class was over, my instructors asked me how it had gone and thanked me for helping out. I figure if they’re asking me to teach someone else, they must think I’m doing o.k.
It feels really nice to be able to help out after being welcomed into my new dojo so warmly; and it feels even better just being asked to help out by my new teachers. Apparently, they must be seeing something in me that "brown belt syndrome" isn’t letting me see in myself.
September 25, 2007
Pool Day
We are a little over a week away from Lil C’s second birthday. I have not, in any way, been pushing her to use the potty yet because I learned that lesson the hard way with Big I. She will go when she is ready to go. It’s practically my mantra. In fact, if you tell me that you think two-year olds should already be potty trained, I will probably stick my fingers in my ears and hum loudly. I’m not allowing external forces (also known as my grandmother, etc.) to pressure me; and I’m not going to pressure Lil C.
Despite my not pushing her, Lil C has taken a great interest in the potty lately. Unfortunately, this interest is usually only after I have changed her diaper. She then wants to "sit on a poppy" after the point is already moot. Then, she’ll forget that she’s supposed to be sitting on the "poppy" and start wandering around diaper-less on my white carpet, causing me an anxiety attack for a couple minutes before I finally convince her that we’d both be happier if she had a diaper on.
In addition to her little obsession with sitting on the poppy, she’s also obsessed with these little animal toys. She collected random little people characters from the zoo and the farm, her V-tech train animals, and any random figurine she’s received over the years such as Care Bears, Jungle Book characters, etc. and they go absolutely EVERYWHERE with us. At any given time, she has at least five of them in her arms. Leaving the house causes great anxiety unless I can find a bag and dump all of the animal characters in there for her. If we abandon any one of them at home, it’s cause for a complete and total meltdown. And yes, she has cataloged them all to memory. If we forget the monkey, she will cry for the monkey for a good 30 minutes. If she happens to see a random monkey image on a billboard or something, it will jog her memory enough to elicit all new "Oh NO MONKEY!" cries.
So, you take these two interests of hers: the "poppy" and the animals, combine them, and you have this:
. . . a "pool day" (her words-not mine). Did I mention she also loves the pool?
Somehow I’m thinking that true potty action isn’t going to happen with the "pool poppy;" and something tells me we’re at least a little while away from potty trained bliss. . .
September 24, 2007
A Letter to the Saints
Dear Drew Brees,
If at all possible, would you do me a favor tonight? You see, I need you to get -13 points. You can do this by throwing 13 interceptions and getting less than 25 passing yards. I would greatly appreciate it.
BBM (Pathetic Owner of Team Craptastic which will go to 0-3 unless Drew Brees listens. . . )
Dear Marques Colston,
I need you to get 35 points tonight. It’s not that hard to do. Kevin Curtis did it yesterday; I have faith that you can too. There’s only one thing. You have to get these 35 points without Drew Brees getting any fantasy points. If you could figure out a way to work that out, I would be very appreciative.
BBM (Owner of MARMAD, which will lose its undefeated title this week unless you can come through for me. . .)
You better believe there will be some more love letters this week. . .