November 7, 2010

Going to the Dark Side

On Friday, I had a hair appointment. I went in expecting that I would get some highlights. I figured I'd leave there with a darker blonde overall look and the same cut. I left looking a lot different than I expected. 

My stylist told me that the fall colors are deep, rich shades without highlights. I mentioned something about when I had gone darker last winter and he basically said, "Pshaw right" and went off to mix up something new and different. I sat there while he was mixing it up thinking that doing something different is good. It would be nice to have a change. Then I flipped through a hair magazine and looked at all those light blondes and wondered if I should yell for him to mix up a nice batch of blonde instead. I kept my mouth shut.

As he put the color on my hair, it looked like deep red blood. I felt a little panicky but he told me it would darken up. It did. As I sat there, I watched the red turn into a deep brown. Then it was time to wash it all out. 

When I returned back to the chair I almost fell over. My hair was wet, sure, but it was really dark. REALLY dark. Then we started discussing cuts. He casually mentioned cutting about five inches off the back and I got sick. "Put your hand where you want to cut to," I told him. I negotiated down to three inches and joked that he probably cut four anyway.

When I was completely dry and styled, I couldn't believe the difference. I didn't look like me at all. I liked it but told him I was going to need some time to get used to the very surprising new me.

I went to pick up Sassy from my Mom's house. When I arrived and peeked through the door, they both thought I was my sister. When they realized it was me, there were a couple "Woah's." Then Sassy said, "Um, I don't really like your hair. I think you need to get some blonde highlights." 


My Mom said she liked it but would need some time to get used to it.

I came home to Big I and Mr. BBM. Big I said, "Woah" and stared at me for a while. Mr. BBM was all "Woah" too. That seemed to be the word of the day. 

After bridal gown shopping with my sister, I dropped her off and saw my dad. Always blatantly honest, he said, "you need to go buy a bottle of bleach." As I got closer to him, he said "Well, it's not that bad. You just look really different." I'll take that. It's the best I'll probably get from my dad.

On Saturday night, we went out for a bite to eat and I noticed they had Bass Ale on the menu. I asked the waitress, "How big is the pint?" since they had three sizes. She sort of laughed and Mr. BBM looked at me and said, "16 ounces, duh. . . " 

I was about to say I was having a blonde moment, and then I realized I couldn't use that as an excuse anymore. "Brunette moment" doesn't quite have the same ring to it. 

This morning, I nearly attacked my mirror when I went to brush my teeth, thinking there was some crazy dark-haired girl in my bathroom. I like the change, but I also think I'm going to need some more time to get used to it. 

I realize writing this post without a picture is just pure evil, but the one I have just doesn't do it justice. I'll get the husband to break out the good camera and put something up soon. Promise.

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