October 26, 2010

Be Careful What You Sign Up For

Even though last year, I wanted to win in the election to be a member of the board at our local country club (which is more like a swimming club with a clubhouse), sometimes my three year term there feels like a life sentence. I go through these periods where I'm super hopeful and happy about things. I see changes happening and I feel like I've been part of making them happen. I have volunteered hours, days, and weeks of my life over there, doing everything from boring data entry, to decorating for Christmas, to renovating a sports bar with the help of only a handful of other people.

It is a thankless job; however, that's probably the wrong word for it. If it was a "job," I'd be getting paid. I don't. In fact, board members don't even get a free or reduced membership. 

I once heard an interesting statistic. If someone likes something about your business, they are likely to tell no one or one other person at best. However, if they are unhappy, they are likely to tell 19 people, on average. And let me just put it right out there when I say that where I live, the negativity runs strong.

I spend the days leading up to board meetings feeling sick in my stomach. Our annual membership meeting is coming up in just a few weeks and if last year's was any indication, it's sure to be a day that will probably have me chewing up Tums the way I'd like to be chewing up cheeseballs. Last year's meeting felt surreal. Certain older individuals showed up wearing suits and ties, their Sunday best; while younger men and women showed up in sweatpants, straight from their kid's soccer games or swim meets. The older people thought that was disgraceful and disrespectful. I thought it was insane. I kept waiting for the cameras from one of those crazy TV shows to pop out somewhere; but I've since realized this is just reality over at the club.

Sometimes I swear that the only reason I was elected onto the board is because I was going directly to a wedding reception immediately following the meeting. I was super dressed up. I swear that got me the swing votes, despite my lack of wrinkles and gray hair. I'm sure those people are regretting that now. You know, me, that crazy younger board member who tries to make decisions based on whether or not it's actually profitable.

What has been the most frustrating part though, is that despite being a volunteer and spending much of my free time working on things for the club, planning events or taking care of memberships, there are many members who don't realize or care that the club's Facebook page is run entirely by me. And "yes," I will happily delete your negative comments on that page because I've had it up to here (points to the moon). If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it. I am doing my best and unfortunately, I, and the rest of the board members and employees, can't always make every member happy. It's not possible. They also don't realize or care that those who are putting together the monthly newsletter and trying to maintain the website are also volunteers, volunteers with families, jobs and lives. I should also say that there are a handful of members who do nothing but put positive things on that page, and for those people, I am extremely thankful and grateful.

While some members of the board (former and current) view a board seat as a prestigious thing to have, the truth is that board members are treated like 2nd class citizens. We can't enjoy a simple dinner with our family without someone stopping by the table to complain about something (no matter how ridiculous it might be). In fact, I used to spend a lot more time over at the club, but the dirty looks and negativity has made me choose home more often than not. Mr. BBM is irritated that he can't have a conversation with his wife without being interrupted and my kids think I work there.

A couple months ago, someone cautioned me against making decisions that might not get me re-elected when my three year term is up. I laughed out loud. This is one board member who won't be running for election again. In fact, I am literally counting the days until I'm free.

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