November 13, 2009

From Nothing to an Officer in One Afternoon

On Sunday, while enjoying the wedding reception and hanging out with my karate people, I noticed I had a voice mail. I went outside for a minute and heard my neighbor's message. This particular neighbor is a jokester. He's always up to something. In fact, even when he's not up to something, his smile makes you think otherwise. The message I heard cracked me up.

My neighbor was congratulating me on my being elected to the board. He then went on to say that I had also been elected as an officer, secretary. I walked back into the reception laughing out loud. I told Mr. BBM and he laughed too. Then he said, "maybe you were elected secretary." I told him it wasn't possible; I wasn't even there. I had left the meeting immediately after voting to get to my friend's wedding reception.

I sent a text message to my neighbor's wife and told him I was calling his bluff. Nice try and all that, but I wasn't buying it. For hours afterward, my neighbor was insistent that he was telling the truth. I still didn't believe it.

The next day I got a call from one of the board members, and guess what? I'm the secretary. I don't know how I'm supposed to raise hell and shake things up when I have to be the one writing everything down, but I'll find a way.

I will find a way.

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