September 27, 2010

Throwing in the Towel?

This may come as a giant surprise to many of you, but today I actually comtemplated throwing in the towel and taking a break from blogging for a while. I am so ridiculously busy with running the girls to all of their activities and running myself to physical therapy, that I just haven't found much inspiration to write lately.

I used to savor even 15 minutes of time so I could quickly write something and put it out there. Lately, when I have 15 minutes, I grade something or clean something or start preparing a meal that we'll barely have time to eat before running to the evening's activities.

My original audience is long gone. So are the posts about all things martial arts related. If I do eventually get cleared to head back to karate, right now, I don't even know how I'd find the time to get to class. My girls have something every night of the week. Soon, the competitive swimming season will begin and it will only get worse. My student's papers will only get longer. I'm already sleep deprived. When will I find the time?

I spent time and money on going to a blogging conference this summer and it was a lot of fun to meet so many interesting people. It was also a bit frustrating to me. I've been blogging for almost five years now. I love this writing space, but I've also wanted to turn it into something else. I've wanted to be "discovered" and published. I wanted to use this as a launching pad; but it seems my rockets are fizzling out.

Maybe I'm stagnant because of all the negativity from the past months: the loss of our long-time pet Colby, my Grammom's repeated hospital admissions and death, a third knee surgery and recovery, and many frustrating days trying to turn a country club around when the old-timers don't want to see it turned around.  The list goes on. . .

Right now I am frustrated with my writing and I'm frustrated with my life. Would anyone even notice if I packed up and left right now? Would anyone care? Would I? I just don't know.

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