October 23, 2009

9th Kyu in the House

On Wednesday night, Big I was promoted to 9th kyu in Danzan Ryu Ju-jutsu. The week before, she tested and it was so awesome. It was a very serious event and she did quite well. At one point she had to do a hip throw and she did a great job.  

Here's her partner, taking her down with a wrist escape.


She was tested on the basic ju-jutsu foundations like breakfalls and rolls, and then demonstrated various techniques for getting out of a finger hold, wrist grabs, lapel grabs and chokes, etc. Here she is doing a hip throw. 


And here's some actual video of it happening. . .


If pride had the physical properties of helium, I would have been taking photographs from the ceiling. Here she is with her proud little sister right after testing.


The big reveal. Sensei removes the blue tape from his gi.


Getting striped. . .


The assistant instructor and all around cool guy, giving Big I her congratulations. . .


The new promotee's. Check out those grins. Check out those blue stripes!!!


I am so proud of her and so happy she's found the martial art that is right for her. It's the one thing she looks forward to doing all the time and she frequently talks about how much she loves it.

If she can throw people now, just imagine what she'll be able to do by dating age. . .

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