July 23, 2009

Of Insults, Stripping, and Riding Escalators Like Buddy the Elf

I've been solo with the girls since Sunday while Mr. BBM has been on a business trip. Picking up his night time duties like bedtime and feeding the cats has thrown me for a real loop. The first night almost literally, as my cat decided to weave in and out of my legs as I was trying to put his food down and I nearly fell on my butt.

I decided the girls and I needed a change of scenery yesterday so we went out for lunch and then to the mall to cash in some Gymbucks. I should have known it was going to be an interesting day when Lil C whined for a good hour before we left.

However, we got to the restaurant and were having a nice meal. For a change, Lil C wasn't sitting directly on top of me and chose instead to sit on the opposite side of the booth with her sister. This was working out fine until a very overweight woman decided to leave the restaurant. Lil C's eyes locked on the back of the woman and I desperately tried to distract her. I knew what was coming; this wasn't the first time.

"Ooh, look, what's that outside? Is your lemonade good? What flavor is it? What did you color? What a pretty picture you drew there. . . "

And then she said something to the effect of, "Mommy, you are not big like her Mommy. Your butt is not big like that" as I pretty much sprawled across the table trying to physically close her mouth and over talk her so that the poor woman wouldn't hear.

I don't know why she felt the need to reassure me that my butt wasn't big. I mean, it was a nice thought; but clearly my 3-year old is lacking the filter.

Later we went to the mall and there was a woman making pancakes in the department store to demonstrate something they were selling. The girls both ate a pancake while we chatted with the woman. She looked to be only about in her 50's, but that didn't stop Lil C from saying "Yook at the nice yittle old yady. She's a nice yittle old yady Mommy." It was like she was a skipping record or something. I tried to make it seem like she was calling herself a "yittle old yady" and turn it around on her. But she became even more adamant about insuring this woman knew that Lil C thought she was both little and old.

I was horrified for the second time of the day, but the woman was so nice that she just kept talking to us. I was ready to leave but I wanted to check one more store for something.

We walked down the mall and I stopped to look at some sunglasses on the way. I was trying them on and asking the girls what they thought when Big I erupted in laughter. I turned around to see Lil C holding her dress up at her neck and shaking her butt. I instantly flashed back to the night we were taking care of our cats at my sister's house when our house was being built. There was Lil C spinning around a pole in the basement like a professional. Mr. BBM and I just shook our heads. I was having another one of those moments.

I quickly told her she wouldn't be wearing dresses anymore if she couldn't keep her clothes on while Big I whispered that she had also kind of pulled her underwear down a bit to reveal her little butt. Yeah, exactly what a Mom wants while standing at a kiosk in the mall.

We quickly moved to the final location and went up the escalator. On the way up, Big I asked me about whether or not it was possible to have the escalator suck your toes off. I told her "yes" and that she needed to step up and off quickly at the top and bottom. Apparently I scared her, because when we were finished upstairs and coming back down, I turned around to Big I's panicked yelling. There she was, sideways with one foot still on the stationary platform and the other slowly inching away from her as the escalator put her into a full on straddle.

I screamed for her to get her other foot on and she quickly dragged it on, but not before having the edge of the step scrape up the traveling leg. It reminded me of that scene from Elf, where Will Farrell rides the escalator for the first time.

I figured it was time to take my little insulting stripper and accident prone daughters home. This is why I don't shop that much.

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