April 3, 2009

Taking Guilt Off the Table (In at Least One Area)

Guilt is something that all of us feel at one time or another, especially if you're a Mom. Training guilt is something that happens to the best of us too. Ikigai wrote about it this week. I read his post. I felt guilty.

But not for the reasons you would think I'd feel guilty. You see, my time off has been legitimate. As my physical therapist has continued to tell me since my injury, if my knee isn't feeling right, then listen to the knee. I've listened.

What I felt guilty about was the flossing business, or actually the not flossing business. I absolutely hate to floss my teeth too. It's uncomfortable, and my gums bleed. But in an effort to take better care of myself, I started making appointments a few weeks ago. First, I made an appointment to see the allergist. Check. Done. Good.

Next I made a dental appointment. I haven't had one since I had my wisdom teeth taken out when Big I was a baby. Do the math. She just turned eight. I know. It's awful. It's amazing how "I'll call tomorrow" becomes eight years in an instant.

Over the past few years, I have continued to make excuses. I'm too busy. I'll call next week. I'm nursing. I can't manage it. I don't have a babysitter. etc. etc. etc. There's no end to the excuses I've made, and it's not even like dental people and I have a bad relationship.

I have never had a cavity, not one.

So when Ikigai's post came up, I thought it was timely since I had just made an appointment with a new dentist. Yesterday morning I woke up and decided that I really should try to floss before my dental appointment, so that when they ask me, I can at least say "sometimes" instead of "never" which is much closer to the truth.

I started flossing and remembered why I don't. Immediately, the gum between my front two teeth started to bleed. Also, I got a giant piece of floss stuck in between two of my molars. It took tweezers to pull it out and even then, I could tell some of it was stuck in there. I went to teach yesterday morning feeling like a had a piece of corn string stuck in my teeth. It was driving me insane.

I was a nervous wreck. I wanted to be able to leave there saying I've still never had a cavity. When I told the hygenist how long it has been, she looked worried. But when the hygenist took x-rays, examined my teeth, and announced that my teeth were no worse than most people after only a 6-month hiatus, and that I had not a single cavity, relieved doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.

Lil C also had her first appointment today. It only took them telling her that they had a princess toothbrush for her to decide that she liked the dentist just fine. And her teeth? Perfect.

Here's one piece of guilt I can finally let go. I got Lil C there while she is still three and I'm back on the dental wagon with another appointment already scheduled in six months.

(Insert big sigh of relief here.)

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