September 28, 2008

A Visit from the Tooth Fairy. . . Finally

Big I has had shark teeth and extremely loose teeth for months. Those suckers just didn’t want to come out. Everything changed tonight. Because I was concerned about her top front tooth being swallowed during the night, I encouraged her to really get wiggling. We even tried to tie some dental floss around it to pull that thing out. She kept laughing so that didn’t work.

As my Mom, my Dad, Lil C and I all encouraged her in front of the hallway mirror, the tooth got even more loose; but after 30 minutes of intense wiggling, there was still nothing tooth fairy worthy. I went downstairs and Mr. BBM was supposed to be putting the girls to bed, when he came downstairs with an ecstatic toothless girl. It finally came out.

She went from indescribable joy to complete depression in only minutes. The magnitude of the tooth fairy actually taking her tooth was just too much for her. She was reduced to tears.

We managed to find our tooth fairy kit, and we washed the tooth and placed it in the little pocket on the teeny tiny pillow. As she drifted off to sleep upstairs, having come to grips with the tooth fairy and her "mission," the actual fairy got to work.

The "tooth fairy" typed up a teeny tiny letter in 6 pt. font telling Big I how exciting it is to get a new client, and how she needs to continue taking good care of her beautiful teeth. The fairy then printed out a certificate and rolled up the teeny tiny letter into a little scroll, complete with $10 (I know people, I know, but you have to remember that we are living with "Mom-Mom" and "Pop-Pop" and this was a big and long awaited event. We’ll certainly be letting Big I know in the morning that the tooth fairy doesn’t usually leave such large bills). Because the "tooth fairy" has mad creativity skills, she tied that little scroll up with mint dental floss. Was that not a stroke of genius? I mean, really. This "tooth fairy" is one with-it gal.

Something tells me it’s not going to be a problem waking Big I up for school tomorrow morning. Something tells me we’ll be seeing a big toothless grin.


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