Stimulate This

February 14, 2009 by · 18 Comments
Filed under: Mental Strain for Mama 

The entire BBM family is oozing germs in some way shape or form this weekend. My head hurts every time I look or bend down; and my spine feels like it has been a heavy bag for Ikigai or something. Mr. BBM broke out with the flu this week too and is currently sporting a straight up in the air hair-do. Giving a hoot about how we look isn't at the top of the priority list right now.

Getting more ibuprofen. That's #1. Not letting our kids, who now have coughs and runny noses, breathe on us is priority #2.

Instead of being at my father-in-law's wedding today, we're at home, sporting pj's and sweatpants.  I've spent a lot of time in bed over the past few days. I even had to cancel my class on Thursday morning because there was no way I could make it to campus. I felt like a Gremlin as in "Bright lights, bright lights!" Yes, that's pretty much what I look like right now.


My head was rocking the entire week pretty much. While in bed, I've watched a lot of cooking shows and a lot of political shows.

It could be due to the flu, but I'm particularly grumpy about this so called "stimulus" bill that is about to be passed.

Bankrupting future generations. . . check.

Stimulating our economy? I find it hard to believe given some of the nonsense in the over 1000 pages of political garble.

While the politicians certainly think they know best, I have news for them. Flu-inflicted citizens can come up with better ways to stimulate the economy. Here are just two of mine. . .

1. Instead of taking approximately 45% of my income that I make as an independent contractor/recruiter which gives me little to no incentive to want to work when I get my check and have to turn around and send almost half of it to the government, why not slash how much the government is taking from me by a good 20%? With that 20% that is back in my bank account I can afford to hire someone to build me a patio this spring, landscape my barren new yard, or finish off my basement. All of those things would stimulate the economy. I hire someone, they hire helpers, and buy supplies from a company to create my housing projects. . . see how this works? Instead, my 45% will be going for things like studying honey bees and STD awareness. Stimulating things, these are not. The $13/week tax cut for families written into this bill isn't exactly going to help me build that patio.

(Let me preface #2 by saying that I understand that these are tough financial times. I understand that there are people who legitimately need help and through no fault of their own are in economic ruins right now. #2 is not about these people.)

2. How about rewarding citizens who pay their mortgages and bills on time instead of bailing out those who don't? What incentive is there to pay your bills on time when the government now plans on lowering the rates of those who can't pay the mortgages on the houses they couldn't afford in the first place? I'd like my rate lowered too. Maybe I'll just stop paying my mortgage for a couple months. . . oh wait, see there are these things called self-responsibility and pride. I take those two things to heart. But seriously, why are we rewarding those who got themselves into financial trouble? AND, if we want to help them out, great, but maybe there should be some incentives for those of us who always follow the rules, pay our bills, etc. It's simply not fair.  This isn't Robin Hood, you know. My hard earned money shouldn't be going to support those who got themselves in over their heads.  I should be able to keep my money, and then maybe I could hire someone whose business is hurting. See #1. See how this works?  Also, there are plenty of people who are not financially hurting right now who choose to help others, either through donations to charities, donations to soup kitchens, or volunteering with Habitat for Humanity or other organizations who help others. Private citizens should be able to decide who to help and choose where their money goes within local communities. How is Washington able to determine how best to use money in my hometown? Do you trust your Governor to distribute a blank check however he/she pleases? I don't trust mine. Something tells me a certain governor will have a new car and chauffeur, minimum, before too long.

There are other ideas too. The school district where I live has some of the lowest school taxes around. Why? Because they don't raise taxes every time they need to expand or hire more teachers. Instead, they decided to seek private money in the form of sponsorships for football stadiums and gymnasiums, etc. They thought outside of the box and made it work with no government intervention. If every school did this, can you imagine how much less we'd all be paying in school taxes? Can you imagine what you'd do with that extra money?  I know what I'd do with mine.



Finished basement.

Oh, and a much-wanted-by-the-girls Disney vacation.

All of these things stimulate the economy. And that's just one family! Multiply that by all the families across the country and it's at least food for thought.

Then again, getting the politicians to read these ideas would probably be even more difficult than getting them to read that 1000+ page stimulus bill (which you can't tell me any of them did before voting on it). This non-reading of the single biggest spending bill ever in history absolutely blows my mind and should disturb everyone no matter what your political affiliation. It is completely irresponsible. Don't believe me about the non-reading, watch this. . .

(If you can't see this, go here to view.)

GRR. . . My head hurts.

I know these are hot polticial times, but unless you want me to breathe my hot miserable flu on you, keep your comments respectful. Have flu, not afraid to use it. Got it? Good.

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Sick, More Sick, and Impromptu Weddings

February 10, 2009 by · 11 Comments
Filed under: Mental Strain for Mama 

There's nothing like a coming back from a great weekend to enter a week full of sick. Lil C spent the weekend with a fever. Monday brought a visit to the doctor for an ear infection that just won't quit. After a week of antibiotics, her ears look the same, possibly worse. So, now she's on another antibiotic, a stronger one that combines two antibiotics into one.

As the PA was writing out the prescription, she said to herself, but loud enough for me to hear, "I'm not going to worry yet."

I don't like the "yet" part of that at all.

I thought I'd only be taking Lil C to the doctor, but Big I woke up Monday morning looking like death. She was sporting a fever of over 102 and it got worse throughout the day. A strep test came back negative, so they've decided she most definitely has the flu. They warned me that this flu is especially awful, terribly contagious, and that it's taking a good 5-7 days to run its course.

Last night, before bed, her fever spiked to 104.9 so I spent the early hours of the evening piggy-backing ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep it at a more reasonable 102.5. She woke up with a fever of 103.2 and is feeling dizzy and miserable.

I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and chills. I was determined to make it to campus but I spent much of the class teaching from a seated position on a table in the front of the room. I felt shaky and dizzy and just yuck. Thank goodness I had planned to show them two videos of speeches today.

Upon arriving home today, I was told that my father-in-law and his fiance are getting married this weekend. That's right, this weekend. The wedding is about five hours away. My mother-in-law gave us only a couple days notice (two actually, I think) and we were unable to make it out for hers. It took me 11 months to plan my wedding. How this stuff happens so quickly just blows my mind, my very sore headachy mind. For now though, I just need to worry about getting through each day, one day at a time. I'll worry about how to get my sick family out to a surprise wedding once we feel better.

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Best Birthday Ever

February 8, 2009 by · 11 Comments
Filed under: Just for Fun 

I can honestly say that this was the best birthday ever. It has even trumped my 10th birthday when I got my first stereo and trust me when I tell you that was an exciting birthday for me, not so much for my parents whose bedroom was right beside mine. I actually still have that stereo. 

On Friday, I got a couple cards in the mail. One was from my aunt who always sends me scratch-off lottery tickets. I won $100. I also received several other thoughtful cards (one from Marguerite-thank you!), many of them mentioning my "29th" birthday.  Sweet.

Yesterday, I slept in. When I woke up, Mr. BBM made me breakfast. The girls gave me cards they had made themselves and they also gave me that Live Strong t-shirt I saw a couple weeks ago. It says, "100% Back" on it. I'm wearing it today.

At noon, I had a manicure appointment thanks to Renovation Girl and her called in gift certificate. I came home, showered, packed and we were off. We dropped the girls off at my parents house and headed to the hotel. Right after we arrived, one of my friends arrived at the hotel to drive with us to dinner. He brought with him a beautifully wrapped gift and wished me a happy 29th birthday in Japanese (He's a friend from karate).  Inside I found a gift card for Ann Taylor Loft. Does he have good blog reading comprehension skills or what? Although I did not at all expect gifts, I was elated. Thank you E!

We drove over to Bahama Breeze for dinner and while we waited for our table, I drank a mojito (ok, actually two mojitos). I nursed the second one all through dinner because it was STRONG and I had some dancing to do later. We had a lovely dinner. I had almond crusted salmon in a lemon butter sauce with tropical rice. It was delicious.

So was the spinach dip which is why my friend Stacey is covering her mouth and we are cracking up. Ok, the cracking up part may be due to the mojito.


We headed back to the hotel and the nightclub afterward. First, I did a quick wardrobe change. I couldn't decide what to wear so Mr. BBM told me I should be like a celebrity hosting an awards show and switch tops, so that's just what I did. He was apparently kidding, but it was a suggestion I couldn't ignore.

I wasn't the only one with a wardrobe change. Ikigai ended up having to borrow one of Mr. BBM's shirts since t-shirts, even nice ones, were not allowed. Yep, that's right, no t-shirts allowed but bring on the leggings, cheesy hot-pants, fishnet stockings and bikinis. Oh, how I wish I were kidding about that part.

Here's Ikigai playing the role of Mr. BBM.


We arrived at the club and were shown to our VIP room. The VIP room was a bunch of comfy couches, six televisions that looked like a kaleidoscope, and a great big comfy ottoman. This was surrounded by long white flowing pieces of fabric. It was like our own little cocoon. 

That's my sister and her boyfriend in the background. He was googling himself, like usual.


The VIP room came with a specialty drink for all of us to share. It was quite good and didn't last very long.


I'm just thankful I had some good help getting rid of it. That's Stacey's husband Richard. You may recall him from this post.


Here's another picture of me and my sister. I never really thought we looked anything alike until I saw this picture today. Clearly though, we're leaving the chest area out of this comparison. One of these things is certainly, and sadly, not like the other. 


Ikigai (seen below) dared me to go out onto the dance floor to get the party started and I told him I haven't met a (reasonable) dare I haven't liked. So, out I went. Ikigai's girlfriend, "Foxy Citrus" (also seen below and also celebrating her birthday), joined me after a lonely minute and things started rolling. Someone has to start the party right?


We had an unsolicited dance partner who didn't smell that great, so we decided we'd go sit back in the VIP room to let him cool his engines.

The club had a stage where only ladies could dance and at some point, they called me up there. I went and took a posse of girls with me. We truly had a blast.

I believe that's me doing my best impersonation of nai hanchi stance. Actually, on second thought, I think I was just getting low and stuff.


When my friend told me this club was cheesy, she neglected to tell me that there were "cages." That would be my sister leaning way back there while holding the bar and that would be me standing in the cage laughing. No one can say we weren't adding to the entertainment value at the club.    


With the exception of one party pooper (see "google" image above), everyone from my party got out on the dance floor at some point, even those who swore they were like T.I. as in "alright, ok, I don't dance, no way."

Of course, my sister and I don't use that type of logic. We're always ready to dance.


My knee held up quite well all night long, and although none of us made it to the 2 a.m. closing time, I didn't mind because they started playing really craptastic music. See my face expression reflecting this below. And for those who only tolerated last nights music in honor of me and my birthday, zip it, I already know what you're going to say about the music that preceded the end of the night's craptastic music.


My friends all put in a good amount of time at the club. I had a great group of people, a great group of friends, and a really fantastic time.

Tonight I went to my Mom's for dinner and cake. My Mom and the girls made me a cake. The girls decorated it almost completely by themselves and they did a fantastic job. 



I've learned that one of the keys to having a good birthday is having it fall on a weekend. This was definitely one for the memory books! Thank you to everyone who made this birthday special by sending me something sweet, typing me birthday wishes, or getting your groove on. I truly have the best friends in the world.

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Karl is Hired and Avitable Rocks

February 6, 2009 by · 14 Comments
Filed under: Just for Fun 

Yesterday, Karl found the secret BBM lair with his GPS. I think we had a great time. I know my kids did for sure. I'm not so sure about how much Karl liked being a jungle gym, but he was a good sport even if he wasn't digging it.


Lil C made fast friends with Karl. She fed him chocolate chips while he taught her to say "Whoa Jack." Within 30 minutes, she was climbing on his lap, and forcing him to play with Barbie dolls and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toys. Think Mary Poppins in pants. Yes, he was that good.


When Lil C tired of that, she climbed onto Karl's back and told him he was her horse. He happily obliged. Later, she held up two play hamburger buns to his face and told him he was her Prince. She was playing the part of Ariel and apparently she thinks that Prince Eric looks like Princess Leia.


At some point, she had a "wardrobe change" and morphed into Cinderella. She told Karl they were getting married and she kissed him. He told her she was the best girlfriend he ever had. It was a match made in heaven.

I seriously think I need to convince him to buy the lot beside me. I could really use another babysitter and Lil C would like to see her "husband" more than once a year or so. Plus, I think I only had about 20 minutes of talk time with Karl. My kids totally monopolized him. If he moved in, we could have drinks on the lawn all summer long.


Thanks for coming to visit me Karl! What fun!!!

Right after Karl arrived, the doorbell rang. Arriving was a birthday present from Avitable. His site may be a little wild at times but the man has a heart of gold. He sent me this shirt after he read this post.


If you look closely you'll see that the shirt is covered with little pictures of gi'd up me. I have to say that this was the most unique present I've ever received. Thank you Adam! 


Tomorrow is the birthday bash and I am so looking forward to it. I'm sure someone will take pictures. My knee is feeling great and I am looking forward to getting my groove on.

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Musical Memories

February 4, 2009 by · 6 Comments
Filed under: Just for Fun 

We've been listening to a lot of music around the house lately. Having an IPod Touch makes it all the more enjoyable. I'm totally loving their Genius feature. Anyway, as I was listening to music today, I started to mentally compile a list of some of my favorite songs. My favorite songs are almost always linked to good or fun memories and I thought I'd share a fun one with you today.

My best guy friend got married a couple years after I did. He met his girlfriend in college and had been with her for years before they got married. Unlike most couples who get married, they had actually waited if you know where I'm going with this. For my friend, this had been especially rough and frustrating at times.

While at his reception, music was playing. It was all classy stuff, dinner type music that anyone could enjoy. And then my friend made a request.

The DJ announced over the microphone that my friend had made a request and was dedicating it to his new bride. There were collective ooh's and ah's and a lot of aw's. My friend led his new bride out to the dance floor and the music started; except it wasn't at all what anyone was expecting.

It was this. . . (You can watch the video and hear the song here.)

This thing right here
Is lettin all the ladies know
What guys talk about
You know
The finer things in life
Check it out

Ooh dat dress so scandalous
And ya know another n couldn't handle it
See ya shakin that thang like who's da ish
With a look in ya eye so devilish

Ya like to dance at all the hip hop spots
And ya cruise to the crews like connect da dots
Not just urban she likes the pop
Cuz she was livin la vida loca

She had dumps like a truck truck truck
Thighs like what what what
Baby move your butt butt butt
I think to sing it again
She had dumps like a truck truck truck
Thighs like what what what
All night long
Let me see that thong

I like it when the beat goes da na da na
Baby make your booty go da na da na
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na
That thong th thong thong thong
I like it when the beat goes da na da na
Baby make your booty go da na da na
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na
That thong th thong thong thong

Lyrics thanks to:

As soon as the music started, my friend started going nuts, dancing all around her and right up to her. There she stood in her bridal gown, completely dumbstruck. She was a good sport throughout and it was absolutely hysterical. Every time I hear that song, I just crack up. The look on her face, the look on his face as he danced like a maniac, the look on everyone's faces at the reception. . . it was priceless.

What's one of your best musical memories?

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