December 8, 2008

Think Happy Thoughts

"Your knee hurts because you need to build more strength in your leg."

"If your knee hurts, back off the weight lifting."

"The only way to get your knee feeling better is by building the muscles in your leg."

"Don't do anything that hurts or feels even a bit uncomfortable."

Do you understand why I'm confused? Yesterday, I went to the gym and one of the trainers came over to talk to me and see how my knee was feeling. I told him that's it's o.k., but not great. I told him about how I still can't run and about these painful little hard bumps in my knee that don't move even when you move the skin around them. He asked me to show him and I was at least grateful I had shaved my legs.

He took one look at my knee, asked to see the other one and had me face the mirror. "You have a lot of fluid in your knee! Look at the difference" he said.

I can see obvious differences in my knees, but I guess I thought that was because it's me and I spend half my life analyzing my knees and wondering if my left one will ever feel and look normal again. I didn't think it was obvious to a casual observer. He felt the little bumps below my knee and said he thought I should get it checked out.

No more procrastinating. I called the surgeon this morning and got an appointment for tomorrow morning.

I'm going to get some answers tomorrow and hopefully some solutions. Think happy thoughts for tomorrow, happy thoughts that don't involve painful injections to the knee or any more surgery.

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