June 29, 2008

I’d Like to Thank the Academy Neighbors

Our Open House is over.  It was declared a "success" by both our mortgage guy and our realtor.  We had eight separate parties come through the house.  Usually my realtor downplays any potential interest, but today he said that two of the parties showed some real promise.  This is what happens when you just decide not to care anymore. 

The only cleaning that got done today was by Mr. BBM.  My parents kept the girls last night so that we could get cleaned up.  We ended up doing some of the cooking for today and then spent the rest of the night having dinner (Hungarian Pasta to die for and salad) over at our neighbor’s house (They didn’t want us to dirty our house so they invited us to just hang out there).  We also had wine, lots of wine, sort of like the never-ending glass of wine.

We also had margarita’s, pina colada’s, and sangria. 

At one point, I was showing our house to my neighbor and he went into my crawl space and stayed in there for a good 15 minutes remarking how he would turn that into his private office space since he likes sitting on the floor anyway.  It was that kind of night.

This morning, while I held my head in my hands and cursed white wine and the glass that always stayed full, my other neighbor (an extraordinary personal chef) showed up and began rolling up these beautiful little flatbread sandwiches containing Tuscan turkey, baby leaf spinach, cranberry and mango chutney and whipped cream cheese. She also helped us make lemonade and mint tea from scratch and then adorned the pitchers so that they looked like they could have been at a fancy restaurant. 

We then garnished the mini cream cheese cupcakes plate and these amazing chocolate chip peanut butter desserts with fresh raspberries.  It was kind of like preparing for a party at your own house that you can’t attend.  Thank goodness for leftovers.  As we were finishing the last bit of set-up/clean up, the first party started coming through the house and we quickly made our exit.

There are wonderful things about this house that I will really miss when our house finally does sell and we move.  But of all the things that I’ll miss the most, it’s a few choice neighbors who have become really great friends.   

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