February 5, 2008

Old Friends, Good Times & Cooper Marketing

Mr. BBM will often come home from work and have a glass of wine or a beer with dinner or afterward.  I rarely do this.  Iced tea is my beverage of choice.  Although I enjoy a glass of wine or a beer from time to time, I just really don’t drink that much, especially since I hurt my knee back in October. 

When you’re around old college friends, however, all of that can quickly change.  One of our good friends from college married a lovely guy from England and we always have a blast when we’re with them.  Saturday night was no exception. 

Because everyone tends to do things for me since I hurt my knee, Mr. BBM or one of my friends were constantly refilling my wine glass.  The conversation and wine were flowing quite freely apparently.  When someone is constantly refilling your glass and you’re just hanging out and gulping sipping, it’s difficult to know exactly how much you’ve had until you get up to pour yourself a glass. 

I quickly found out as I surveyed the room and realized that everyone else was drinking mixed drinks or beer.  I was the only wino, literally.

"Will someone please have a glass of this wine so that I can’t claim to have kicked the entire bottle by myself?" I asked.

My friend happily agreed to share the blame and we did what many tipsy people decide to do.  We went downstairs to throw pointy objects at the wall, i.e. play darts.  By then, the damage was already done.  We were all feeling fairly silly.  We started playing three different dart games and each one got cut short because one of us hit the wrong button and restarted the game (you should know that I did not do this, despite having almost an entire bottle of wine).  You should also know that I was totally winning 501 and was down to only 9 points.  Granted, I was more likely to be throwing darts into the wall than hitting a 9 at that point, but you get the idea. 

So, with our dart game waning and our jolly English man dozing, my friend recommended that we get some markers and write something clever on his forehead.  This sounded like the most fabulous idea ever to me, so I quickly went and raided the girls marker collection and brought down a variety of colors.  The only problem was: what do we write?

Mr. BBM couldn’t really think of anything and neither could my friend.  I, however, can come up with marketing slogans and rhyming fun in my sleep (or after almost a bottle of wine).  Because his job is selling mini-cooper cars, I knew I had to incorporate that into my clever marker slogan.   

"I know. I know!" I yelled energetically!

"Buy a cooper, or kiss my pooper!"

There was a brief hesitation as everyone realized the genius that was my statement, and then there was an eruption of laughter.  Our English car salesman quickly realized that with markers in hand and a slogan ready for public consumption, he had better sit up, stop dozing, and NOW.

Tipsy or not, that slogan is pure genius.  I imagine my friend will be using it quite often while at work.  One thing I won’t be doing often?  Drinking that much wine again. 

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