May 22, 2008

Apocalyse Now

Lately I feel like screaming at the world, "What did I ever do to you?"  I feel like the signs of the apocalypse are occurring on my body.  Gestational diabetes with Lil C which has left me with a serious carb-counting complex that prevents me from enjoying dessert pretty much ever, whiplash which marked the descent into karate injury hell, messed up wrist (an old church camp injury) and thumb (for which I am seeing my orthopedic surgeon tomorrow-oh joy), torn acl and subsequent surgery, and now poison ivy that is spreading on my body like California wildfires after a two year drought.

That’s my forearm.  Fabulous.


It started on my forearm, moved to my bicep, jumped to the other arm, made friends with my elbow and then I noticed two more bumps.  One is on my leg, the other on my neck.  I made a bee-line for the natural foods store as soon as I noticed the new bump on my elbow today.  They gave me some kind of herbal homeopathic stuff that I have to dissolve in my mouth every two hours and also some seriously smelly soap with jewel weed in it.  The only problem is that I now smell like jewel weed and so does my entire bathroom.  So, wouldn’t you know it. . .

Two showings tomorrow, one of them a second showing.

Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not.  But I can not catch a break to save my life. Not one.

Tomorrow both of the girls have well visits with their doctor, which is always a big event for the BBM family.  Big I exaggerates everything and Lil C doesn’t know whether she should be her laid back self or jump on the paranoia train with her sister.  And if the doctor isn’t fast enough, I’ll have to leave to get to my appointment and PT, which will end just as our first showing is about to start.

My PT told me that my surgeon may give me a cortisone shot in my wrist, and right now, I’m thinking that sounds like a little slice of heaven.  It will serve dual purposes and maybe, just maybe I can stop working on my mental itch restraint, because I’m seriously about to get out a rake and take the top layer of my skin off.

Despite all the crapism that has been going on lately with low-ball offers and nasty skin rashes, I refuse to admit defeat.  Tonight, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.  Our house was directly under the  highest point, and I took it to be a sign.  The rash will go; the offers will come. The apocalypse that is my body will be tamed and calmed. It just has to be.


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