April 14, 2008

Psycho Detection Skills Required

As I was taking a box out to the garage today, a man pulled up in front of our house, got out of his car and took a flier from our "for sale" sign.  As I walked back from the garage, the man stood in front of my house reading the flier.  When I got closer, he asked me if I was the owner of the home.  I said that I was.  He asked me a couple questions about our garage and parking spaces.  He asked me if he was parked in one of our spaces and I told him that he was in our neighbor’s spot.

He then said, "So I should probably move my car up to the visitor parking area before you show me your house."  He stared at me waiting for a response.

After painting for 12 hours this weekend (more to come on this tomorrow), I was completely exhausted and probably lacking any form of poker face.  All I could think of as I stood there looking at this middle-aged single man who was by himself was, "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

I quickly told him he should call his realtor or call the number on our sign and speak with our realtor so that he can make an appointment

"Oh," he said, "well, then I’ll just take this" he said as he gestured at his flier.  He seemed a bit put-off by my very polite response.  I went inside, locked both the locks on my door and considered turning my security system on.   My realtor warned me about people like that, but I didn’t ever really think I’d encounter one.

As I sit here many hours later, I find it interesting that we didn’t later get a call from the showing center.  If he was in such a hurry to see our property today, then why didn’t he make an appointment to come back?  Something tells me that my psycho killer detection skills were spot-on.

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