March 23, 2008

Taking a 2-year old to Church

I’m a Chreaster.  I admit it.  I rarely attend church unless it is either Christmas Eve or Easter.  We’ve got the dual church thing going on in our house, with Mr. BBM being one denomination and me another which makes things even more difficult.  It’s not that we don’t want to go to church.  It’s just that we have a 2-year old, the same 2-year old who used to be a 1-year old and before that a baby.  Did I mention that Lil C is rather loud? 

Big I has always been an angel at church.  She sits quietly, listens to what’s going on and gives us not a problem.  Then there’s Lil C. 

On Sunday, we attended a packed church service (arriving 10 minutes late because it’s even fashionable to arrive to church late. . . because I said so).  Lil C started jabbering away right away.  She brought with her a small Minney Mouse stuffed toy and spent much of the church service trying to attract attention to her new toy and herself.  Thankfully the people in the pew in front of us thought she was adorable.  When they asked her what her name was during the offering, the little comedienne proudly announced that her name is "Minney Mouse" and then collapsed in a fit of giggles.  Of course all the attention only encouraged her.

During hymns, she loudly sang along.  Of course her words were, "Go Pop a Weasel; Go Pop a Weasel" since that’s her song and created lyrics of choice lately.  She may have thrown in an Old MacDonald or two as well. 

But it was shortly before communion finished up that she made her biggest "impact."  After the entire church had gone up for communion, our Pastor asked if there was anyone else who would like to come forward for communion.  There is always a brief and very silent pause as the organist/pianist leaves her station and heads to the front for communion.  Lil C decided she’d give the Pastor a very loud answer for everyone in the form of a boisterous and elongated, "NOOOOOOOOOO!" followed by an equally loud "I don’t VANT to go a church."

It echoed through the tall ceilings of the church and bounced off the front wall and back to us.  Mr. BBM, Big I and I were all briefly shocked silent before the bubbling of laughter threatened to turn into a full eruption.  We watched as the shoulders of the people in the row in front of us started shaking, almost violently.  We tried to shush Lil C but she erupted into a loud conversation about Minney Mouse and the Easter Bunny.  There was just no keeping her quiet.  Even as Mr. BBM carried her down the stairs to the social hall, her banter was quite audible. 

There is definitely a good reason why we’re Chreasters as this point in our lives. I think that after Sunday, pretty much everyone understands.   

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