November 17, 2007

Christmas List

It’s my blog so I can say "Christmas" not "Holiday."  Any complaints can be emailed directly to yourself, because I don’t care to read them so there.

Yes, I’m a little cranky today.  Not that I really needed to state that.  We are less than a week away from Thanksgiving and I am still on crutches.  Know how sick you are of hearing about it?  That’s how sick I am of using them.  (If you’re a new reader and want to know why I’m on crutches, start here.)

In addition to Lil C’s crutch injury the other day, I almost killed myself while going up the stairs to Big I’s teacher conference yesterday.  The steps in the school have this little lip on the end of them and as I moved up one by one, I kept getting caught, which made me lose my balance and teeter backwards a bit.  Thankfully I made it up without injury, but coming down was a nerve-wracking experience as well.  Luckily, the conference itself was nothing short of wonderful and glowing so that was at least good.

After the conference I went to PT and sadly, had to report to my PT that after my workout on Wednesday, I felt very sore.  It wasn’t my muscles either; it was the knee joint itself.  Because of my report, he cut out one stretch, and cut my bike time in half.  I hate set-backs.  He said that much of PT is trial and error so that’s the way it works.  He also said that I can cut down to twice a week since he knows I’m doing my exercises at home, and primarily because my co-pay is going to be the end of us. 

When I got home, Big I wanted me to write out her Christmas list.  I thought it would be a good idea to write a list for all of those that I buy for, 20 total, two additions from last year.  My choices as far as Christmas shopping goes are as follows: crutch it around the mall and die of exhaustion and irritation (at all the rude you-know-whats that don’t hold doors for injured people), allow Mr. BBM or Big I to push me around in a wheel chair (NO WAY!  What?  I have pride issues.), do all of my shopping from the comfort of my own couch via the internet, or make a detailed list including item numbers, prices and descriptions and send Mr. BBM on what will still be a wild goose hunt.

I also wrote a list for myself since I rarely ever do this and after Christmas, I’m always like "Oh man, why didn’t I ask for. . .?"  Right now, my list is markedly longer than anyone else’s list and includes the following items:  gift cards or clothes from Ann Taylor loft or Ann Taylor, zip-up hoodie and matching pants from ATL or Eddie Bauer (I need cute PT clothes; I’m running out), that military book by Eric Haney (the one that show "The Unit" is based on), Shureido sai (sob, sob, sob-I could at least hold them and look at them), a brand new intact ACL, gift card for Victoria’s Secret, a new Vera Bradley purse, stationary for letter writing, kanji paint set from craft store, thin socks (blacks and blues), a pale yellow Pitt sweatshirt, ginger salad dressing (the kind they serve at hibachi restaurants). . .

You get the idea.  I went a little nuts; and I admit that I’m sort of unrealistic about some things. 

In contrast, here is Big I’s list: Wii Princess game, Pirates of the Caribbean III movie, unicorn webkin, Littlest Pet Shop Teeniest Tiniest Pet Shop (dear God, help me!), Littlest Pet Shop Electronic diary, and a computer (more our idea than hers), and sparring gear. 

Lil C’s list? Puzzles, Ratatouille movie, Brio train accessories, oh and chocolate.

I think I need to remind myself that Christmas is for kids. . .

***If you’d like some ideas for Christmas yourself, make sure you check out the reviews on The BBM Review.  From books, to martial arts products, to video games, there are plenty of reviews there and there are many to come in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  Our review schedule is getting booked up quickly.  If you have a product or website that you’d like The BBM Reviewers to review, please contact me as soon as possible. 

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