April 18, 2007


Things that are making me grumpy this week:

1.  I hate how the massacre at VA Tech is being turned into this big political finger pointing, gun control issue.  For all those out there who are saying the shooter shouldn’t have been able to get a gun, I completely agree.  Based on his mental status and everything else that had happened before he went to get those guns, there is no way that under the current laws, he should have been able to get a gun.  That being said, for all of the people out there calling for the abolishment of citizens carrying guns and stronger gun control laws, think about this for a moment: imagine that just one of the law-abiding non-crazy students or teachers had a gun on them when this incident happened.  Many lives could have been saved.  All I’m saying is that there are two sides to every story and it really irritates me when talk show hosts can’t see past their own political bias. 

2.  Lil C has pink eye.

3.  Big I has a sore throat.

4.  I haven’t made it to a single karate class this week thus far. 

5 . A little old man who sat behind me at two traffic lights, beeped at me and threw his arms in disgust because I didn’t start going through the intersection a split second before the light turned green.  He then proceeded to follow me down the road going about 15 miles an hour.  What was the hurry buddy????  Can you say ROAD RAGE?

6.  I found out from a neighbor that the pit bulls who lived behind me are gone.  They have both been euthanized, which means that they once again attacked or intimidated someone without owner supervision.  While I am relieved that I won’t have to deal with their lousy owners being irresponsible again, I am extremely annoyed with another neighbor who is apparently annoyed with me for making the first report which resulted in the first of many fines that the owner received.  The annoyed neighbor was telling my other neighbor about it in the context of "they can’t even afford to pay their heating bill because of all the fines."  Insert "blame it on BBM" anywhere in here, because it’s obvious.  My response to my non-annoyed neighbor would be "Boo-freaking-hoo.  Be responsible for your dogs. And if paying your heating bill is an issue than don’t let them out of the house unsupervised, or don’t have two dogs that you are incapable of caring for properly.  It’s not my fault their dogs were put to sleep.  It’s their own fault for being irresponsible."  I am SO SICK of people blaming people who deserve no blame.

7.  If Sanjaya doesn’t go home tonight on American Idol, consider that #7. 

And because all of this is trivial compared to what happened this week, I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims, their friends and families, and the entire VA Tech community. 

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