July 14, 2010

e.p.t. “the moment you knew”

For most women, seeing the positive pregnancy test is a moment they will never forget.  It is a moment filled with joy, and hope, and dreams fulfilled.  For me, it was different.  You see, I suffer from infertility…and while I have one child, I never had the "pee on a stick/positive test" experience.  When you suffer from infertility, your cycles are closely monitored and a blood test reveals your pregnancy far earlier than a home pregnancy test.  I found out I was pregnant from a nurse, not a pee stick.

Even after this successful pregnancy, I continued to suffer from infertility and could not get pregnant.  I resented those who had that "pee on a stick" moment…I imagined peeing on said stick, running down the stairs to my husband, crying and laughing and hugging.  I played the moment out in vivid detail in my head, over and over and over again.  None of our treatments worked and so our infertility journey ended and a life as a family of three began. 

And yet, three years later, being ridiculously in tune with my body from the years of closely monitored cycles, I realized I was one day late.  Just one…for most women, they wouldn't even realize, but I did and I tested.  And there it was, my moment.  My very own pee on a stick moment.  I was mesmerized by the test stick announcing a positive. I waited until my husband came home from work and carefully showed it to him. We were filled with hope, but terrified-it had been a long time in coming and now that we had arrived, it was scary.  Unfortunately, three days later, I lost the baby.  In anger, I threw the stick away and after I recovered a bit, I felt sad that the one physical reminder I had of my baby was gone.

e.p.t. acknowledges what a big moment this is for a family and has launched a campaign to provide mothers with a keepsake case so that you can always look back at the day you found out you were pregnant.  You can check out the info here. 

And while my story isn't the joyous experience of others, I appreciate having the keepsake case to remind me of the babies I have lost.  I am grateful for the "pee on a stick" moment of my own. (And if you wondering, yes, I did keep the test stick from my most recent pregnancy and loss…and while it hurts, I am so glad the have the sticks to remind me and comfort me.)

Thanks, e.p.t. for providing women a way to remember that special moment for families.  TKDDaughter gives this a:

BBMReview Black Belt Award

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Centralon behalf of e.p.t and received an e.p.t. keepsake case and a $20 gift card to JustGive.org to facilitate my review.”

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