June 17, 2010

Crystal Light Review #3: How Do You Keep a Positive Attitude?

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Crystal Light.

Quite simply: I don't keep a positive attitude all the time. But as someone who is about to embark on a third knee surgery for the same problem, I would say that I'm about as skilled as they come when it comes to keeping a positive attitude and trying to see the bright side to things.

My family and I recently had a rough couple of months which ended with my grandmother passing away after almost a week on hospice care. It was so very difficult not to feel sorry for her and for ourselves going through something so horrible. But when I spoke at her funeral, only days after her death, I was able to keep a positive attitude, even then, when I was completely emotionally and physically exhausted.

Instead of looking at those eight days of her last hospital stay as a burden, I chose to interpret them as something else. I said during her eulogy that those eight days gave us all time to tell her how much we had loved her and how much she meant to us, instead of the other way around for a change. It took eight days for her to pass because it took us that long to tell her all we needed to say.

Yep, I'm quite skilled in keeping a positive attitude. One of the ways that I do this, is by always trying to see the "reason" behind things. For example, tearing my ACL and the subsequent surgeries and months of physical therapy that followed, was no walk in the park (not even a leisurely crutching-your-way through the park). However, my physical therapist and I became great friends and I was able to become really good friends with his wife as well. Silver lining. It's there. Sometimes you just have to look for it. Sometimes, the only thing that allows you to see it is time.

Sometimes, keeping a positive attitude comes from making a couple simple choices, that in turn make you feel good about yourself which allows you to continue the whole positive vibe indefinitely. Choosing to eat healthier for a couple days in a row can do that. Choosing to eliminate sugars from your liquids can help you do that too. I eliminated sugars from my liquid intake after having gestational diabetes, and Crystal Light and their infinite number of choices helps to make that easier to commit to, without a doubt. With an infinite number of possibilities and recipes everywhere that include Crystal Light in them, it's easy to start making positive changes in your life, which will most likely result in a more positive attitude.

To enter for your chance to win the $1000 sweepstakes or to visit other reviews of Crystal Light, please visit the round-up offer page here. For official rules on entering, please visit here. To check out my other posts on Crystal Light and for your chance to win even more, please visit my Crystal Light homepage.

AND now, for your chance to start commenting and winning (a $100 Visa card), please answer the following question in the comments section:

What are some things that you do to keep a positive outlook on life?

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