May 27, 2009

The Skinny Cow Ice Cream

When you're asked to review ice cream, it's really a no-brainer. When you're asked to review low fat ice cream? I mean, how can you refuse?

I was given two coupons for free Skinny Cow products and I chose the Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches and the French Vanilla Truffles. When I devoured all of those, I went back and bought the Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches, and people, I'm about to make your day because here is the actual info from the mint ice cream sandwiches from The Skinny Cow website:

"Low Fat Ice Cream. 97% Fat Free. 140 Calories. 3 grams Fiber. 0 Trans Fat." There are only 30 grams of carbohydrates in this happy little bundle of a sandwich and don't even get me started on how it tastes.

Ok, you asked for it.


The mint ice cream is light and wonderful. It lacks fat, but doesn't lack flavor. The ice cream sandwich chocolate wafers are to die for, so much so that I will happily admit that I licked my fingers-all of them.

The peanut butter ice cream sandwiches are delicious as well, but I must say that the mint ones totally rocked my world. To be able to eat THAT, and not feel guilt? Now that is something special.

The French Vanilla Truffles are amazing. So amazing in fact that I not only licked my fingers, but my daughter's as well. The ice cream is light and creamy and then it's drizzled with this hard chocolate on the outside that is just enough to make you completely satisfied and without having to shove an entire chocolate bar down your throat.


I  shared my good fortune with my neighbor and her son and we all agree that The Skinny Cow is pretty much our new best friend. If you are watching your weight, or just trying to eat healthier, you'll want to add The Skinny Cow to your shopping list. I've been to a couple different grocery stores and each one had different products. I suggest visiting all your local grocery stores to pick these up.

My only criticism is that I haven't found a jumbo pack yet. These ice cream treats are a big hit in this house and I can barely keep them in stock.

BBM gives The Skinny Cow. . .

BBMReview Brown Belt Award 

And a special thanks to Mom Central for the opportunity to review it!

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