November 21, 2008

The Secret Mountain books

Books make great holiday presents. I'm always searching for something a little different for my girls. It's overwhelming when you're in a book store and want to find something and go. But if you're looking for books for some special little ones in your life this holiday season, you won't want to miss The Secret Mountain's collection of books.

What makes these books so special is that each one comes with an accompanying CD which features music and compliments the books. If you were thinking that the music might be some kind of annoying kid tune that gets stuck in your head for all eternity, you would be wrong. If you've ever had a massage, then you know the type of music I'm talking about. The music is very Enya-ish, is soothing and pleasant. The CD's have been a big hit in this house, and there's finally some kid music that I don't mind!

The books don't disappoint either. We were given three books to review: "Dream Songs Night Songs: From Belgium to Brazil," "A Duck in New York City," and "Down at the Sea Hotel." After the delightful stories, the books have pages of songs and music. The stories themselves are very sweet and the illustrations are vibrant and inviting. Our personal favorite is "A Duck in New York City" which is just plain adorable and fun.

If I had to point out a negative, I might say that the stories are a little on the short side. Then again, these are perfect bedtime story books that won't have you falling asleep in your child's bed like I sometimes do.  There really isn't anything not to like about this collection of books, so if you're looking for some unique holiday gifts for the children in your lives, you should definitely check them out.

For their bright illustrations, interesting stories, and great accompanying music, BBM gives The Secret Mountain books. . .

BBMReview Brown Belt Award

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