May 2, 2008

Norton 360

Every year, I update my Norton Security system because there are lots of nasty "issues" out there on the Internet.  This year, I was given an opportunity to update and upgrade courtesy of Norton (Thank you!) with their new Norton 360 Version 2.0

This version boasts "All-In-One-Security" and even does automatic backing up, which I could clearly use since I’ve (gasp) never done that before in my life.  Beyond Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security, Norton 360 protects files from computer disasters by backing up your files online.  You basically get an online storage compartment for all your photos, music and files and the "storage unit" is as large as you need it to be.  If you’re not one for backing things up on a regular basis, you can set a schedule so that Norton does it for you during times when your computer is idle. 

Additional features include giving your computer a tune-up to fix problems that slow down your computer.  It also helps to remove internet clutter and temporary files. 

Every other time I have installed a Norton program, I ended up needing to call up customer service.  Norton was kind enough to provide me with VIP customer service, but I didn’t need it.  The uploading was done in about 15 minutes flat and the virus scan that followed was also much speedier than the Norton of last year. 

Some of my favorite things about Norton 360?  Norton keeps your identity safe and stores personal information for you.  You can create "cards" with your mailing information and even credit card information that Norton keeps safe from hackers.  Simply plug in your password and your info is automatically filled out.  It saves a lot of time for an internet shopper.

It’s also useful for commenting on blogs.  You can create a separate card for your blogger identity and now all those url and email demands are taken care of courtesy of Norton.  Norton 360 also saves your log-in information for sites that you wish.  Once again, not everyone who has access to your computer has access to this information.  You can password protect it so that one password and click opens up the world of less typing and time-wasting without sacrificing privacy. 

The only negative about Norton 360 is that it will occasionally fill in information that I don’t want.  For example, it will sometimes plug in my personal email address instead of my blogging email address in comment forms.  I’m sure this is more a human glitch than a Norton one though and I plan on figuring it out soon. 

Norton 360 retails for $79.99 in stores and can also be purchased online.

For the ease of use and a ton of great functions, BBM gives Norton 360. . .

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