June 27, 2007
Are you bored yet?
I know you’re probably completely bored with my vacation posts and pictures; but, if you go here and check out my scrapblog of some of my vacation pictures (more pictures to come), I’ll get entered for a free trip to BlogHer ’07 where I can go represent for all the karate bloggers out there.
What? You’re still here. Go (pretty please)!
June 25, 2007
Back-In need of another vacation
Coming back from vacation is rough. There are the mounds of sand covered laundry, the unpacking of all the other stuff, reacclimating the munchkins to a decent bedtime, and coming back to realize that your next few weeks are going to be killer.
Big I auditioned for a play and now has 12 hours of play practice every week until the play is over. Not only that, but parents are put to work while there. Tonight, I was the green paint lady, while Big I tried to catch up from all the practices she’s missed so far. By the end of the three hours, we were both yawning something fierce.
I also have to deal with the fact that I need to get back into a karate training routine. I had these grand delusions of kata on the beach and practicing with my weapons, but the truth is (sigh) that being on vacation with two kids is hard work. I think I finally understand why many of my friends leave their kids behind and go vacationing by themselves.
As much as I wanted to take my sai out onto the beach, I was feeling a bit too self-conscious to ultimately go through with it and practice some of those throws. There’s also the fact that the Outer Banks beaches have lots of little crabs scurrying around, digging holes in the sand, and I really didn’t want to have to explain a crab shish-ka-bob to Big I. That’s my excuse du jour anyway.
I did do pilates twice and I also took a run on the beach. . . once. I know, pathetic right? But I can only take so much of feeling like someone just set fire to my lungs on vacation. Instead I chose to read almost three books and sip some Corona’s.
So I took a little break from training; but I’ll get back at it. . . as soon as I vacuum up all this sand and put away the 2000 pieces of clothing I took along on vacation.
To all of you who contacted me with your words of support over my little "troll" problem last week, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words and offers to help. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re better off. . . trust me. 😉 If you do, you know who you are, and thank you!
June 18, 2007
Karate Rolls equal Vacation Fun
So you know that tennis match I referred to last time? The one where I was going to be taking someone "down in flames"? Well, the only person who went down was me.
I’m blaming it on the little hole in the court which was placed right where someone attempting to return a serve might step. I stepped in the hole, my left ankle rolled and the rest of my body went along for the ride. It was an absolutely fabulous karate roll, lemme just tell you.
In fact, it was so good that instead of cracking up laughing at me like I would have done had the shoe been on the other foot, Mr. BBM came running from the other side of the court to make sure I was o.k. before erupting in laughter. And yes, it happened right as the resort bus pulled in with a crap-load of beach-goers from the bay side.
I spent the next two days feeling like I had whiplash and cursing my 30-something year old body because "if I was a kid I’d be just fine!". To heal my bruised ego, I spent the rest of the afternoon having a "funny face contest" with Big I. I think I won. I only picked one of the pictures to display because I had no idea how capable I was of contorting my face into. . . well, a whole lot of wrinkles!
If I was a kid, I also would have believed that this dude is indeed Jack Sparrow, as advertised.
I was sort of hoping for a younger hotter replica, but when a pirate DJ shows up with hula-hoops, the kids aren’t complaining.
When I wasn’t complaining about how bad my neck hurts, we took the whole crew and went kayaking over in the bay. The bay here is pretty cool. You can actually walk across the entire bay (if your idea of a good time is feeling the constant sting of jellyfish). But it was a cool day on the beach, and the bay felt much warmer so we took the girls for some kayak rides.
Lil C went out for about two minutes before she decided she was just too far from "MOMMY!!!!" and stood up threatening to abandon ship. Big I went out for a while and had a great time.
My Mom and I also took the kayak out without kids (after I got Mr. BBM to carry me out to get in the kayak since I am so done with being stung by jellyfish after a short stint with wind surfing a few years ago). My Mom and I paddled around for a while, took some pictures of wild life, dreamed about having a home on the bay, and then decided we’d head towards the "rapids."
I don’t know the last time you’ve been around rapids in the middle of a bay, but we were exposed to the sun and. . . whatever, they were rapids. So, we paddled in their direction and then quickly realized that those "rapids" were actually the quickened pace and ripples of the water over a sand bar. We were stuck in about four inches of water.
Logic tells you that you’re going to be o.k. when you’re stuck in the middle of a bay that you can walk across. But my Mom and I threw logic to the wind and panicked because being beached in the middle of the bay, meant one of us was going to have to. . . gasp!!!. . . get out of the kayak and get us unstuck.
I stepped up, because she’s my Mom after all and I got us unstuck in a matter of moments. I also managed to avoid the dreaded jellyfish. I’m sure we also provided some entertainment for the golfers nearby as I must have looked like I was walking on water to free us while looking like a complete loon as I high-stepped and scanned the water for any "predators." It was quite an adventure.
In other news, Big I has become a master boogie boarder. (It could be because of her brand new beach braid.)
She picked a black board with a pirate skull on it and took to the water like the Black Pearl in the pirate movie. At one point, she got dumped and went for a bit of a karate roll herself. Hers, however, was much more eventful than my little tumble.
While under the ocean water, she saw, and I quote "a mermaid, a lobster, an octopus and a shark." Holy crap! If that’s not enough to make you stick to the shoreline, I don’t know what is! And that’s just what I have done.
I finished reading Living the Martial Way and started on another book that I’m already half way through. And Mr. BBM bought me some sunscreen that goes on like stale Crisco which has been able to fend off another sunburn and then some.
Lil C has learned a ton of new words this week. She is seeing sharks everywhere including at the pizza place where we ate tonight. Apparently, there was a little something extra in those mushrooms on the pizza. She’s also quick to tell you that sharks bite, and then launches into her repertoire of animal sounds that always entertains surrounding tables and waiters.
Lil C has cooled off on her love of seagulls. The damn things are just too hard to catch. Oh, and one pooped on her Mom-Mom’s umbrella while she was under it, so I think she gets the picture. She’s cursed like her mama.
She also breaks out in Rhiannon’s umbrella song every time someone refers to the beach umbrella, as in "Mr. BBM, I think this umbrella is going to launch," to which she responds with "ella, eh, eh, eh." It’s really quite cool that my kids are learning hip-hop music. Imagination Movers? Pshaw! What-evah! She steals my sunglasses frequently to really add some style to her Rhiannon rendition. And despite the fact that multiple attempts by Mr. BBM to stretch those suckers out didn’t work, Lil C had absolutely no problem stretching them out to fit a head of Ben Affleck sized proportions.
Tomorrow it’s more of the same. . . Big I and Mr. BBM boogie boarding while I scan for sharks intermittently between page turns. Meanwhile, Lil C will be pointing out at the sea and sending most the beach running as she matter-of-factly states: "SHARK! BITE!!!"
. . . and spends the rest of the day lounging around in peace.
June 14, 2007
SPF Failure and other Vacation Adventures
You can forget the black belt; just call me "Red Backed Mama" from now on. It will take at least a week for the fluorescent red to fade. In the meantime, if you need a cool light for a party or something, or perhaps a flashing traffic light? My back is for hire.
It’s not like I wasn’t careful. I sprayed SPF 30 on my back and then what I think happened is, my hair quickly wiped all the SPF action away.
Of course, building a huge sand castle for like two hours and facing my back in the same direction towards the sun probably didn’t help things. I’d like to also mention that both children could have cared less about said sand castle. . . but when I start something, I finish it damn it. So I went at that mound of sand with gusto until I was shaky from lack of food.
When I returned to the beach after eating lunch, the tide had come in but my castle was sort of holding its own. . . right up until some bratty boy jumped all over it. Like any good martial artist will do, I practiced restraint. I had to after all, because Lil C took off at warp speed after yet another seagull, my favorite animal ever. Right.
After getting Lil C occupied with putting sand in her hair and down her swimsuit, my Dad and I took Big I out in my dad’s ocean kayak. He held the back; I held the front and Big I got the ride of her life while my Dad and I got a workout (and a few shin and knee bruises).
While the kayak slammed into my shins and the waves threatened to take me and my swimsuit for a whirl, Mr. BBM snapped away with his camera.
Afterward, Mr. BBM was quite proud of his photographic skills. All I saw was a Black Belt Mama butt that was:
A. Too large
B. Too white
C. Too disproportionate with the rest of my body
D. All of the above.
Hmm, let me think. . . I’m going with. . . D. Regardless of me and my butt issues, Big I had a blast.
Lil C hasn’t been left out of the fun this week either. At the aquarium, she made fast friends with fish, turtles, otters, and a couple sharks who were eyeing her up. Video of her chasing seagulls may be forthcoming if I can figure out how to do that.
At Cape Hatteras, Big I and Mr. BBM climbed up to the top of the lighthouse (equivalent to a 12-story building) while Lil C and I stayed safely on the ground.
Back that thing up child! It’s so good I wasn’t up there because she would have had all body parts touching the outside of the building. Standing at the railing???? I think NOT!
Two of those little specks down there are Lil C and me.
And now, I’m about to go show Mr. BBM what’s up in a spirited game of tennis. The last time I played singles with him, I was about 6 months pregnant and I gave up after a good fight. I’m thinking he’s going down in flames.
Red Backed Mama. . . out.
June 10, 2007
Ahhh. . .
I have arrived. . .
My family and I are on vacation this week in the lovely Outer Banks of North Carolina. We rented a new house this year, one with a pool and hot tub and it is just. . . well. . . ahhh. . .
We arrived here today after visiting some good friends in Dover, DE for the weekend. The drive was rather uneventful, just the way I like it. Of course, I did knowingly allow the girls to eat about 4000 M&M’s during the drive, but the way I see it? It was all to secure my sanity.
Sanity is good.
I arrived here only hours ago, but I’ve already done my pilates and practiced my sai kata’s. Yes, I managed to sneak my sai, nunchaku, and tunfa into my suitcase. Insert big eye roll from Mr. BBM here. Some may use the table in the bedroom for sunscreen. Mine is for my stash of weapons. It makes me cool. . . obsessive but cool.
I just couldn’t imagine not being able to practice with them for two weeks after I’ve been working so hard to get in good shape and make sure the kata’s and all their parts are in there. And who wouldn’t jump at an opportunity to take a set of sai out on the beach and actually be able to do the throw into the sand???
Mr. BBM says I’m a dork. I say, I’m not the one who has memorized 4,278 useless facts about Star Wars, so there.
If you’ve been a reader here for a while now, you know that last year’s vacation was quite eventful and not in the good way. I’m looking forward to having a very uneventful week; and I’ll be sure to bore you to tears with it if I can manage to put my lime and beer down and drag my derriere out of the hot tub for more than a few minutes at a time.
Oh, and if you happen to be in the Outer Banks right now and you see a crazy blonde chick doing kata in a swimsuit. . . yeah, that’s probably me. And no, there will not be pictures documenting such an event, so don’t even bother asking.