November 15, 2007

Crutches and Goals

This week Lil C was walking backwards, when she tripped over my crutches and fell onto her butt. On her way down, one of the screws on my crutches scraped the back of her little thigh, leaving quite a bloody gouge.  She was having a fit; I was trying to clean a cut and put a band-aid on a screaming two-year old, and it was a very bad scene.

When I went to PT a few hours later, I tried to convince him that I didn’t need the crutches anymore.  "Show me how you walk," he said.  So I did.  He shook his head and handed them back to me.  "How about just one?" I asked.  "Show me," he said.  So I did.  He shook his head again and said, "Maybe next week, we can get you down to one.  Not yet."  He said he doesn’t want me walking with poor form.  I understand, but I’m really sick of crutches. 

He went on to say that when he was in PT school, they were required to use crutches for one day to see what it was like.  He said it was awful and that he understands.  Three weeks with crutches is enough.  I’m just sick of them.  We then moved onto more exercises so that I can ditch the crutches soon. 

After a successful episode on the stationary bike earlier in the week, my PT put me back on the bike again.  He doubled my time up to ten minutes and bumped my seat up a notch.  It went fine.  Since that went so well, he had me try the leg press.  I did three sets of 10 with 30 lbs. and that went fine too.  He also added weights to my leg lifts (above the knee) and gave me a new stretch where I hang out on my stomach and try to touch my left heel to my butt. 

He said I’m only about two-three inches away from being able to do that.  Three weeks ago, my goal was to prepare for Shodan.  Now my goal is to touch my heel to my butt.  How quickly things change. 

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November 14, 2007

PT: Day Three

Here’s the good news:

  • Almost three weeks post ACL tear, I have better extension and flexion in my knee than people do four months post-ACL reconstruction surgery (straight from my PT’s mouth). 
  • I started riding the bike today.  It was for five minutes only and in that time I made between 40-50 rotations total, but I rode the bike today with only slight infrequent twinges of pain (minus my first try when the seat was too high and I thought I was going to pass out from the pain). 
  • My PT said that my knee looks really good and that I’m able to do things very well for being less than three weeks post-injury.
  • I met my permanent PT today and I like him a lot.  He seems to really get that it’s important for me to get back to normal as fast as I can.

Here’s the bad news:

  • I have to stay on the crutches until I can walk without limping.  I can’t currently walk without limping, and can’t imagine that I’ll be able to anytime soon.  I can’t straighten my leg and put any pressure on it so that’s that.  At least my crutches are cool.
  • The pain I’m having in the back of my knee is likely due to the hyperextension, and those aches and pains are going to take 6-8 weeks to repair.  Oh goody.
  • Every single person (doctor, two PT’s, radiologist) has a completely different theory on my knee pain and where it’s coming from.  All I know is that it hurts and it needs to stop.
  • PT is taking up a big chunk of my life right now.  I am there three times a week for about an hour and a half each time.  I imagine this time is only going to increase as they continue to add new exercises, more sets, and longer times on the bike.  Then I have to repeat the exercises twice more at home each day.  Whatever it takes though, I’ll do.

I’m sending those little Mario worker dudes on double shifts from now on.

***Some of you may have noticed my new tip jar on the sidebar.  It’s there on the off chance that Bill Gates comes to check out my site, is highly entertained and wants to give me like, I don’t know, a million dollar tip or something.  A girl can dream right? 😉

***Do you have kids?  Have you given birth?  Has your wife?  How about sending me your birth stories for my other site? Please people.  I only had two kids and both of their stories are up already.  I need more!  Please help!   

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November 13, 2007

When it rains. . .

Big I is home from school today with a cold.   Guess who else has it?  Guess which little person is also getting stuffy?  I’ll tell you, when it rains it pours around here.  It makes sense though because the holidays are just around the corner now, which means it’s time for the annual carousel of sick.  Like I needed one more thing. . .

I had planned to write a post on the book I’m reading today that I think would have provoked some interesting discussion.  Because there is ample nose-blowing and plenty of sounding like we’re talking with our noses pinched shut, today is the perfect time for a photo blog.  Plus, that eight about eight thing practically killed me.  The interesting book discussion will have to wait.

The other night, one of my karate friends brought a kanji kit over to my house to properly finish adding bling to my crutches.  After several minutes of preparing the ink and practicing the brush strokes, the first stroke didn’t go so well.  Just like kobudo weapons that come with that stupid laminate coat on the outside, so do my crutches. 

The ink beaded up and looked awful.  We wiped it off and looked for a Sharpie.  I could only find red or very thin black Sharpie’s, but I did find a Crayola magic marker.  Because I was too afraid I’d screw it up, my friend skillfully wrote the desired symbols on my crutches, front and back. 

It was then that I grabbed one of them and smeared black marker on my hand.  I spent the rest of the night in a seated position so I wouldn’t need to disturb my drying crutches. 

It didn’t matter.

The next day I went to a baby shower and arrived with a black hand.  Throughout the day, it only got worse.  On Monday, I noticed the kanji was smeared even worse and was now on Lil C’s clothing as well. 

With a drop of organic cleaner and a rag, the kanji came right off, but I wouldn’t give up.  I remembered I bought these really cool paint pens when I was decorating a little train for Lil C for her birthday.  I never even opened up the black one.  I found a piece of sand paper, sanded off the shiny junk and got to work. 

My crutches are now complete.  I realize the close-up picture is a little blurry.  It’s probably better that way. 


If you know anything about Japanese writing, please don’t look too closely.  Although my intent was to write "Nintai" which means to persevere (also seen to the left in the sidebar), it’s quite possible that it instead says, "stupid American girl."  That’s probably what the fabric says on my crutch covers too. 

***There are two new reviews up on The BBM Review.  If you’re into video games and/or looking for games for yourself or your kids this year, then get over there now.  TSDAdam reviewed a game called "Virtua Fighter 5" for XBox 360 and yours truly reviewed the ESRB website, a must see site for anyone buying video games for kids this holiday season.    

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November 12, 2007

Eight things about eight things

I’ve been tagged again.  I won’t mention any names or anything; but I seriously think that some people (a-Andrew-hem) are taking advantage of the fact that I can’t run.  I mean, how challenging is a game of tag when one of the players is one leg down?  In all seriousness though, thank you Andrew, because this meme is interesting and NaBloPoMo is about to kill me, so without further delay. . .

Eight Things I am Passionate About (in no particular order):

  1. Martial Arts-I know this is rather obvious; but I seriously think about the martial arts all the time.  Ask my husband.  It’s pretty much all I talk about. 
  2. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation-My Mom is a type 1 Diabetic and has been since I was 4.5 years old.  I have watched her persevere through the years, and even joined her a bit when I was a gestational diabetic during my second pregnancy.  It is a horrible disease and it needs to be cured NOW!
  3. My Children- I love them so much that it hurts sometimes.  For example, when someone picks on my daughter at school, I just want to. . . (I’ll let you use your imagination here, but just know that whatever you’re thinking, I’m thinking something worse).  That’s what having kids does to you.
  4. Politics, although you wouldn’t necessarily know it from this blog.  You seriously don’t want to get in a debate with me about my candidate, because you will lose and badly.
  5. Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention- I worked as a public speaker while in college on the issue, wrote tons of materials for the Sexual Assault Services office at my university, and have recently been published in a book called "At Issue: Date Rape."  Also along these lines, getting child predators off our streets and out of our neighborhoods is another passion of mine.  I sent letters to every politician in my state and hit the national level as well, in hopes of promoting Jessica’s Law.
  6. Fantasy Football- I know, just shh.  Sad but true; sad but true.
  7. Reading-I’ll go through these long periods where I don’t read anything and feel like I don’t have time.  I’ve found that when I make time to read something (or three things) I’m a much happier person. 
  8. Shoes- It amazes me how excited I can get about a new pair of shoes.  It’s like love at first sight with certain pairs of shoes.  I just have to have them!

Eight Things I Want to Do Before I Die:

  1. I want to get my Shodan and beyond.  I don’t just want to learn kata and go through the routine. I want to gain a deeper understanding of all things martial arts.
  2. Get a book published (like one of the eight I started and never finished).
  3. See my kids grow up happy and become successful adults.
  4. Live at the beach.
  5. Go to Okinawa (although I’ll probably have to wait until they create some sort of time machine that can shoot me over there instantly since that many hours in a plane might send me over the edge).
  6. Be on a talk show (not the Jerry Springer variety), maybe to discuss my most recent publication or as an expert on something.
  7. Be able to forgive those I’m currently holding a grudge against-this may be the most difficult thing on the list to do.
  8. Start some kind of outreach program that reaches out to battered women or those at risk, teaching them self defense skills and how to avoid bad situations.

Eight Things I Say Often:

  1. "Dude"
  2. "Na na na na NO!"  (Just ask Lil C-she repeats it like a pro).
  3. "Whatever"- I know.  I’m practically a valley girl.
  4. "Get OUT of here" (Just like Elaine from Seinfeld.  I even hit when I say it sometimes).
  5. "I said NO!" (Just ask Big I-she hears it often).
  6. "Aw MAN!"
  7. "Not cool."
  8. "That’s ENOUGH!" (Lil C and Big I often hear this when they’re having one of their many sisterly wrestling matches).

Eight Books I’ve Read Recently:

  1. Currently reading: "On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society" by Dan Grossman.
  2. Currently reading: "Okinawa: The History of an Island People" by George Kerr.
  3. Currently reading: "Whale Talk" by Chris Crutcher.
  4. "Karate-Do: My Way of Life" by Gilchin Funakoshi.
  5. "Zen in the Martial Arts" by Joe Hyams.
  6. "The Daring Book for Girls" by Andrea Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz.
  7. "The Book of Five Rings" by Miyamoto Musashi.
  8. "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.

Eight Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over Again:

  1. "Promise" Ciara
  2. "Far Behind" Candle Box
  3. "Showtime" Nelly Furtado
  4. "Rehab" Amy Winehouse
  5. "Wish you were here" Pink Floyd (Yes, I saw that concert live!)
  6. "Hips Don’t Lie" Shakira
  7. "Kiss" Prince (which I can’t find or link to because Prince is having a hissy fit about youtube right now)
  8. "This Love" Maroon 5

Eight Things that Attract Me to My Best Friends:

  1. A good sense of humor-ability to make me laugh.
  2. Honesty.
  3. Reciprocity, as in, I’ll be there for you; but you know, return the favor. 
  4. Similar interests.
  5. Intellect-I like smart people, because they’re interesting and usually well read.
  6. Kindness and generosity-not the material kind.
  7. The ability to say just about anything to them, and no matter what, we’ll continue to be friends.
  8. An interest in having fun.  I love to go out and do fun new things (karaoke, wind surfing, being the first person on the dance floor, etc.).  Stick-in-the-mud’s just won’t do.

Eight Things I Have Learned This Past Year:

  1. You need to do what’s best for you.  It may not be the easiest thing, but if it’s the right thing, then do it.  You’ll thank yourself later.
  2. I really can’t stand the show ER anymore.
  3. Knee injuries SUCK and so do crutches.
  4. I’m happier during football season when I cheer for the Steelers.
  5. Having a few close friends is markedly better than having a bunch of so-so friends.
  6. Ann Taylor and Ann Taylor Loft are my absolute favorite clothing stores.  It’s like their clothes was made just for me.
  7. There are few things as rattling to the psyche as the potential of losing one of your parents before their time. (A year ago, my dad had a craniotomy to repair a bleed in his brain and there were lots of complications.  Now he’s fine and actually went hang-gliding again a few weeks ago.) 
  8. Not everyone is going to like me, and that is just fine.  I need to just be myself.

Eight People Who Should Do This Meme and Not Complain:

  1. Adam because he’s doing this NaBloPoMo thing too and if he’s anything like me, he can use the writing material.
  2. JellyJules herself because she’s the Queen of the Meme and will tackle this with vigor.
  3. Karl because he needs to post more already, and maybe if he sees some incoming traffic from BBM, he’ll get curious, followed by inspired, and one thing will lead to another and he’ll WRITE!  YEAH!
  4. Sizzle, because she’s got a cool name and a cool blog.
  5. Heather B. Armstrong, because HA!  I tagged Dooce.
  6. Papa Bradstein because I’m feeling like adding insult to injury since I KICKED HIS BUTT THIS WEEK IN FANTASY FOOTBALL!  OH YEAH BABY!  (And yes, I am one of those types of winners).
  7. IzzyMom because I’d like to see her answers to this one.
  8. Delmer, because he’s a new reader and I like to challenge new readers to defy my insistence that they do a meme. 
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November 11, 2007

My TD Dance

For the first time ever, in the history of the 2007 Fantasy Football season, I have WON in not one, but BOTH leagues AT THE SAME TIME!  In one of my leagues, I won 100-85!  The scores have been tallied. It’s all over y’all.  WOO HOO! 

In the other league, I am winning 130-54 and get this. . . Ladainian Tomlinson has yet to play for me!  So what that Bradstein’s team has Addai and a kicker left.  I’m up by 76 points.  I think I’m good.

If I had two legs on which to do a celebration dance, I would indeed do so.  Since I can’t, here’s a little example of what I would do.  Enjoy!

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