July 20, 2010

It’s Over

I'm home from surgery. My surgeon reduced the price to $950 for the alloderm. Apparently the surgery center ordered too big of a piece so they over-nighted a new and smaller one.

The surgeon removed the screw from my tibia entirely. It was in pieces. I believe he said four. He had an orthopedic surgeon from the office where I go come in during the surgery and make sure everything looked ok. He said removing the screw created a substantial deformity in the bone but over time, it will fill in. He placed the alloderm, cut out the scar and I have no idea what it looks like. I'm wrapped up like a mummy and have to stay that way for a week. I also have to wear an immobilizer for a week and they recommended a couple days of crutches too.

It took about an hour for the surgery. I woke up with some minor discomfort. It seems to be getting worse so Mr. BBM is off to the pharmacy to get me the good stuff. This isn't going to be as easy as the last time and I have strict orders to do nothing for a week, followed by another six weeks of pretty much nothing too.

Right now, I'm just so glad it's over.

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