Flu, Pneumonia, Allergic Reactions and More Fun

November 5, 2009 by · 10 Comments
Filed under: Mental Strain for Mama 

I usually turn my cell phone off when I'm on campus. Either that, or if I forget and it rings, I hit ignore and continue teaching. This morning, my phone rang between my classes and my gut told me to answer it.

Last night, at a doctor's appointment for Big I, I noticed that Lil C felt warm again. After running a fever for three days and then not having one, I asked the doctor to check her and when I told her that Lil C's primary complaint was that her back hurt, she looked concerned.

Immediately, she slid her stool across the room and listened to Lil C's chest. I knew there was something wrong when she continued to listen and listen without saying anything.

The diagnosis: pneumonia, a complication of H1N1. Allergic to so many drugs, the doctor prescribed a strong one that she hadn't had before. She told me that if this didn't work, if she got worse, or if she still had a fever in 48 hours, that she'd have to go to the hospital for IV antibiotics.

This is not what you would expect to hear when you think your kid just has a cough that you thought was getting better. I was so relieved that I had made the appointment for Big I (who has the ear infection that won't quit and is now on a second round of antibiotics), and even more glad that I spoke up and asked the doctor to look at Lil C.

It took three pharmacies before we found Lil C's antibiotic. I was a nervous wreck last night, listening to her cough, so much so that I moved her into my bed so I could keep a close eye on her. I barely slept the entire night.

This morning, I was expecting her to be better. She was sleeping when I left for work, but my Mom who happens to be a nurse and Mr. BBM were here to keep an eye on her.

I answered my phone as my students started taking their seats and it was Mr. BBM. He told me he was rushing Lil C to the doctor because she was having an allergic reaction to her antibiotic. She was getting huge hives on her body, one was about three inches by three inches on her leg. I told him I was canceling my class and that I'd be there soon.

When I turned around to tell my students, instead of being happy that class was over for the day before it even started, they looked concerned. As I gathered my stuff and ran out of the room, they yelled well wishes at me and told me they hoped things would be ok. Many of my students were staying to work on their group speeches even though I was leaving. They are such a great group of kids.

One of my adult students, an ER nurse at the local hospital, followed me out and gave me her cell phone number. She told me to call if we had to go to the hospital so she could streamline us and get us right in. She has two daughters too, one who was in the ER for the very same reason just two weeks ago. 

I have never been behind such slow, stupid drivers in my life. I'm not sure exactly how I got to the doctor's office. All I know is that it took entirely too long.

When I got to the office, my Mom was waiting outside for me. She said Lil C had already been taken back. The receptionist took me to the room as they were coming out. I was sure we were heading to the hospital. Instead, they're trying a different oral antibiotic in a super dose and a breathing medication because today, they heard some wheezing as well as the crackling from last night.

This is the third time this child has had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. Clearly, she thinks I need some gray hair or something. Although she already seems a little better, I am keeping a very close eye on her. If at any moment, I think she's getting worse, I am taking her to the hospital. I am just praying we don't get to that point. I hope you'll join me.

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November 4, 2009 by · 10 Comments
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Last night, I took Big I to see Yamato, the drummers of Japan. I went two years ago and it was awesome. Last night was no different. Big I was mesmerized by the show. She absolutely loved it, and it was nice to do something with her.

After the show, I took a look around the auditorium to see if any of my students were present. The University where I teach offered free tickets to the students and a free bus ride to the show. I was thinking that no one I knew was there and then I spotted him, one of the students who missed my speech class yesterday.

I pointed him out to Ax-Kick Eric, who was with us, and AKE asked me if I wanted to go bust him.


We made our way across the auditorium and it was as if my student sensed I was there. He turned and looked directly at me. I waved and smiled, as did he, and then I put my hands up as if to say, "What's going on?" I mouthed the words, "Where were you today?" and he got a look of desperation on his face. He started mouthing words to me and waving his hand in the air as if to tell me he had a written excuse or something.

I gave him the "Yeah right, whatever" face and headed out. Class tomorrow should be interesting.

If you haven't yet commented for your chance to win a $100 Visa gift card, head on over to my Sonicare review for your chance. Time is running out!!!

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A Halloween Riddle

November 2, 2009 by · 6 Comments
Filed under: Holiday Fun 

For Halloween, the girls were both Ariel, the little mermaid. We had some definite issues with them both being the same thing. Lil C kept telling Big I, "My dress is prettier. I look more like a mermaid." And Big I kept trying to steal Lil C's wig; Lil C had kept hers in much better shape leading up to Halloween. I'll post pictures when Mr. BBM eventually sends them to me. They're living on his camera right now.

We had a neighborhood pre-trick-or-treating party to go to on Saturday. It was nice to have dinner provided and not have to worry about it after having done a good hour of mermaid-like make-up. I happened to be having a really bad hair day myself, so I asked Big I if I could borrow her witch hat.

Immediately the girls were thrilled that I was going to dress up a bit. They kept going in my closet and picking out black dresses for me to wear. It was miserable outside, super rainy, so a dress was out. However, I put on a shirt, a black cape-like shawl I have and some black boots. I also pumped up the volume on some smoky eye shadow and put the hat on my head. The girls were upset that I pulled on a pair of jeans.

There they were standing in my bathroom, giving me a hard time and telling me I needed to shove extra pants in my waistband so I looked like I had eight legs, more like Ursula from The Little Mermaid movie. And then I had an idea.

I went downstairs, found a piece of construction paper and cut out a big letter "C." I threaded a black corded necklace through the top of it and wore the big "C" around my neck. Combined with the witch hat, I felt it was pretty obvious what I was, but I was wrong.

At the party, one of my friends came up to me and said, "So what's with the "C"?" I asked him "What's the letter?" and he said "C." Then I pointed at my witch hat. "C Hat?" he asked curiously.

Not exactly. Can you figure out what I was supposed to be?

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