October 17, 2009

Eleven Years: Then and Now

It's 6:05 p.m. on my 11th wedding anniversary. Eleven years ago, I was just arriving at my reception. The weather had been in the 70's all day long and it had been an amazing day.


Today, I've just emerged from the shower. Instead of getting dressed to go to a nice restaurant for a quiet dinner, I put my pajamas back on, along with the robe with the two drops of coffee stain on it too, from when I almost spit out my entire mouthful this morning after reading a horrendous student paper and thesis statement that made no sense. It has rained all day long and tonight, we might get snow.

Eleven years ago, I spent hours getting my hair done and doing my make-up, getting in my dress and having hundreds of pictures taken. I was excited and nervous all at the same time.

Today, I spent hours grading papers and chasing after a little girl with a very runny nose and pleading with her to please put her dirty tissues in the trash and to please just sit down and rest. I've been nervous today too, but it's a completely different feeling when it involves your daughters.

Eleven years ago, I was getting ready to have a nice dinner. . . chicken marsala, one of my favorites.

Today, Mr. BBM ordered sandwiches from the local pizza shop. They'll probably arrive while he's retrieving diet coke from the store so I'll have to answer the door wearing my stained robe, flannel pants and slippers with wet hair and no make-up.

Eleven years ago, I was gearing up for a fun night of dancing with friends and family. And man was it fun!

Tonight, I'll curl up on the sofa and probably watch Food Network while I continuously check on the girls while they sleep and pray that their fevers don't come back. Mr. BBM will probably fall asleep on the loveseat. He'll also probably snore.

Eleven years ago, Mr. BBM and I were dressed to kill.

Today, I wear pajamas and Mr. BBM wears homemade "man-pri's" or what I call  "pirate pants," which are cut off mens sweatpants that I used to wear post-ACL surgery because they were the only comfortable piece of clothing that I could fit over my obligatory knee brace. They were too short for him when I was done with them, so he cut the bottoms off and wears them despite the fact that I make fun of him each time he does.

Eleven years ago, Mr. BBM gave me beautiful diamond and pearl earrings and a necklace to wear for our wedding.

Last night, Mr. BBM and I exchanged anniversary gifts. I bought him a Steelers sweatshirt that he has to exchange because it is too small and the Polamalu Steelers jersey that I bought him hasn't even arrived in the mail yet. I just didn't have time to order it this week with all the grading and sickness happening. He bought me an outfit from Ann Taylor Loft, the store that seems to forget that they used to make shirts and sweaters with long enough sleeves for me and pants that didn't look like I was preparing for a flood. What happened Loft?

And more importantly, what happened to us?


Oh yeah, it's called a marriage, a marriage with kids. It's not your typical Cinderella story, but for now it's our story.

I'll just pretend my cheese steak tonight is filet; and Mr. BBM can pretend I spent more than three seconds combing my hair today.

Ah, marital bliss.

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