October 15, 2009

The Most Craptastic Week of All

Big I has been home sick all week with suspected H1N1. It can't be confirmed though because her doctor won't even see her.

Lil C seemed to be fine, but this afternoon she broke out in a fever and is now sound asleep on the loveseat, snoring away.

Today on campus, I was scolded for breaking the projector that is attached to the ceiling. I turned it on, off and then back on and apparently doing that breaks them. I got scolded by the IT lady in front of the class and then she sent reinforcements who told me it wasn't my fault and that she is indeed, insane. However, I couldn't help feeling guilty considering the guy had to put a chair on top of a table in order to get up high enough. I took on personal responsibility for his well-being, teaching my class while keeping a death grip on the chair, and figured I could handle being held responsible for killing a projector, but add a media/IT guy to the death count and well, a girl could get a reputation.

This whole week has been complete crap as far as I'm concerned; and now I have a headache which is how Big I started. I will probably spend my weekend, which is also my 11th wedding anniversary, sick.

I'm also really ticked off at my fantasy football team and have written some "love letter" to my players over at Bulls N Balls. I don't know who I'm more angry at right now, the crazy person who accused me of breaking the projector, the stupid swine flu, or the San Fran D/ST.

Just saying their name makes me seethe right now. Argh, just make this week end already.

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