On NOT Bringing Back the 80’s

August 24, 2009 by · 8 Comments
Filed under: Growing Pains, Mental Strain for Mama 

Today I visited campus to make copies galore and hunt for my new classroom location. I start teaching tomorrow at 8 a.m. and didn't want to have to find it while exhausted. I found my room and was very disappointed to see that I have chalk boards. Um, hello, it's 2009 and I wear black all the time. Last year I had white boards and loved it. I think I'm going to just have to teach off of Power Point this year or an overhead because chalk and I are not going to get along. What are the kids going to think when I scratch my nail on the board and vomit right there in the classroom?

My, my, we're off to a good start.

After spending an hour on campus, I took the girls to a couple clothing stores. We were trying to scope out the good ones for our school shopping excursion on Friday with my Mom. Big I has been bugging me to shop at "Justice for Girls" and I've been steering her to Gap, Gymboree and Children's Place instead. She tells me all the kids are wearing "Justice" and that the cool people wear it.

Dude, she's going to third grade. They are too young to be "cool." It's the year that, if she follows in my footsteps, I should cut her bangs really short, dress her in apples and stretch pants with hand prints on them and call it a day. I'm so not ready for "the cool kids wear it" crap.

We browsed through the aisles at Justice and all I could think about was Punky Brewster.


Except looking at Punky Brewster now, I realize she was not even as bad as Justice. Today's Punky, wearing Justice attire, would be like Punky on crack. Justice is just plain insane. There are fluorescent polo tops with attached hot pink ties around the neck, vests in obnoxious colors and jeans that look bedazzled from waist to toe. The colors are blinding and seizure inducing. The graphic t's are near unbearable; and I am so not planning on spending money in that store.

I allowed her to look around, and she pointed out some shirt that looked like a long sleeved white t-shirt underneath an electric blue halter top with silver glitter on it. I almost threw up right then and there. She asked me if I liked it and I said, "no," choosing instead to hold up and smile at a pale blue shirt with only pale blue on it. Very plain, classic, wearable, and not laughable.

Later, on our way to ju-jutsu, I asked her, "So Big I, would you like the clothes at Justice so much if the store was called 'Gymboree' instead?"

She thought for a minute or two and then said, "You know what Mommy? When I got in there, I didn't like it all that much. It kind of looks like rock star stuff, like a costume almost."

Oh Thank God.

On Friday, we're heading to the Gap outlet where I will happily spend money on normal jeans and cute t-shirts and sweaters.

Punky stayed in the 80's for a reason, a damn good one.

***If you're feeling clicky, please go vote for me because I totally don't look like Punky in my pictures.

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Summer Serenade Winner

August 24, 2009 by · 2 Comments
Filed under: Just for Fun 

With a winning tally of 17-8, Karl of Secondhand Tryptophan is the Summer Serenade winner! I'll be in touch regarding your prize soon!

Thanks to both Karl and Adam for entering the contest and thanks to all of the voters as well!

Congratulations Karl!

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The Time Suck That Is IKEA

August 23, 2009 by · 8 Comments
Filed under: Mental Strain for Mama 

Mr. BBM flew home Thursday night on the red-eye from California and I got a sitter for Friday afternoon and evening. Big dinner out? Romantic night at home?

Not quite.

We went to IKEA.

We arrived at IKEA around 2:30 p.m. and I figured we'd be home in plenty of time to meet our friends at Happy Hour at 6 p.m.

When 6 p.m. rolled around, we were sitting in the cafeteria at IKEA, nursing two very grumpy attitudes because we had still not decided on what we were getting.

Despite the fact that I had spent hours measuring the playroom/office/extra guest room, despite the fact that I had spent the entire morning on the IKEA room planner website, we were still undecided. Mr. BBM and I made it our mission to make the IKEA experience a bit more real. So instead of a beautiful display room featuring only furniture that looked like it was lived in, we made sure it was more realistic as we sat on the sofa's and argued over what we were going to get and how much we were going to spend.

Once Mr. BBM had some food in his stomach, however, his mood changed and we were on a roll. . . literally.

If you've been to IKEA for larger items, then you know that IKEA believes in making their carts with four wheels that spin 360 degrees to mess with people. When you load those carts up with mounds of bookshelves, desk legs, desk tops and extender shelves, you've got one serious challenge on your hands.

I couldn't stop cracking up laughing at Mr. BBM whose cart only seemed to want to go left; and then he couldn't stop laughing at me and telling me how ridiculous I looked trying to push the cart at a reasonable speed and then slow up before running someone over with about 500 lbs. of bookshelves. It's not easy. You basically have to pretend you're a stubborn dog and straighten your legs and decide you won't move. Sometimes you move anyway.

The biggest joke of the night was that we were at about twice what we had budgeted and Mr. BBM held up the window squeegee that he had grabbed at the price of $1 and said he thought we should put it back to save money.

After getting through self-checkout (Seriously, IKEA? Cheap much?), we made it into the elevators and down to the parking garage only to argue for a good 30 minutes about how to load the van.

Me: You're going to have to pull the center seat out.
Mr. BBM: I can't. It won't come out.
Me: Well, it does so it's going to have to come out if we're going to get this stuff home.
Mr. BBM: Well it doesn't COME out.
Me: (Mumbles under breath and proceeds to pull the center seat out in exactly 10 seconds.) Then I'll do it. Freaking men.
Mr. BBM: Well it wouldn't come out for me.
Me: Whatever.

He then realized the Tetris master that I am and allowed me to direct how we were going to get the rest of the stuff in the car. We drove about 10 mph around corners and said silent prayers the whole way home that our tires wouldn't completely blow out on the way home since we knew we had exceeded the weight limit by about a ton.

After spending the ENTIRE day on Saturday building, including removing all the baseboard trim from one entire wall, we finished up last night around midnight, hidden cabinet lighting included.

Tomorrow, Mr. BBM has to go back to IKEA to return cabinet lights that didn't work and  exchange them for more cabinet doors which we decided are a must have for the lower kid-friendly shelves.

I did not know that putting in a built-in type bookshelf look in the extra room would result in a major and massive reorganization of the entire house, but it did.

Tonight, Lil C's room is completely organized. Weebles are with weebles and trains are with trains. Most importantly, all her dirty clothes that she stashed in the back of her closet is now in the laundry. It feels good to get organized. It feels even better to know that Idon't have to return to the time suck that is IKEA for a very long time.

***Over the weekend, my Love your Body entry got a #2 on it. I was in the top 50 the last time I looked and that is largely because of you, my awesome readers and voters. Please continue to click here and vote for me until the contest ends. You can vote once per day! Thanks so much!!!

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Deserving of Compassion. . . I Think Not

I consider myself a compassionate person. I take it to heart when good people are going through bad things. I try to help people whenever I can whether it's inviting new Mom's to dinner when their husbands are away or helping someone craft a professional resume to find a new job.

But if there's one person not deserving of compassion, it's the Lockerbie Bomber. He was released today so that he can die of prostate cancer at home. Because of him, 270 people didn't get to die at home. They had to die in a fiery crash. They didn't have a choice and now this pathetic excuse for a human, does have a choice. Many of the flight victims were college students who would never realize their full potential in life, whose parents have continued to miss them and grieve for them all these years.

Abdel Baset-el Meghri served only eight years of his life sentence. I read an idea somewhere online that when they release him, they should line up the families of his victims and that if he can make it through the line of them to his transport, he can go home to die. That sounds a bit more like justice to me.

Allowing a convicted terrorist to die in his home surrounded by his family is ludicrous. Most terrorists are willing to die for their cause anyway, and now Scotland has released one who knows he's going to die anyway? Not smart. Showing compassion to a dying terrorist doesn't earn normal people any points with terrorists. It just shows them our weaknesses.

***On a very different note, time is running out to vote for your favorite Summer Serenade video. Do it here.

Also, please swing over to Victoria's Secret and throw me a vote. You don't have to register, just click "love it." You can vote once a day until the contest is over. Let a girl in a gi win a VS contest. Awesome. Thanks to those of you who already voted!

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The Love Your Body Contest and Why You Should Vote for Me

August 18, 2009 by · 13 Comments
Filed under: Just for Fun 

Dude, bra's are expensive. Really expensive, even for those of us who are a-hem less endowed in that department. In fact, especially for those of us who are less endowed in that respect. That's why I need your help.

I've entered the Victoria's Secret "Love Your Body" contest and you can vote for me here. You can vote once a day for me until the contest is over. If I win, I get a shopping spree (free bra's!!!) and all kinds of goodness. You should totally click that link and go vote for me because I didn't put up your typical entry. I'm not bikini-clad, showing off a crazy self portrait which attempts to make me look like I have cleavage. I'm just a girl in a gi, telling it like it is.

Go vote for me now and spread the word amongst your cronies. How cool would it be if a girl in a gi could win a Victoria's Secret contest?

(Answer: So cool.)

Go vote (and thank you)!

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