July 28, 2009

My Daughter Rocks

I have an entirely new appreciation and respect for my daughter. After five years of karate, she quit and started Danzan Ryu Ju-Jutsu, and I have spent the past couple months watching her in class. I honestly didn't think she was going to like it. When the most important component to your training is how to fall properly, you know you're going to be hitting the ground frequently. Yet she has taken it all in stride.

Her most challenging ju-jutsu move to date has been the forward roll fall. Many of you may remember our little incident at tumbling class last summer, so it came as no surprise to me that she was having issues. Her Sensei however, was persistent, along with the other students, and they found ways to get her to learn how to do it properly.

When starting from kneeling wasn't really working, they broke out a giant exercise ball and taught her proper technique by rolling on top of the ball. After slamming her face one night which brought her to tears, I never thought I'd see the day that she would get it.

Last night, she needed no ball for her right side forward roll. She finally has it. She was absolutely beaming.

When Big I's class was over, the Okinawan Kenpo group showed up to have a ju-jutsu session. There were nine of us in attendance, and three ju-jutsu students. We worked on basic break falls first, then roll falls and then moved into throws and some ground-fighting.

During the side-fall, I actually skipped the first one. As I went to bend my left knee, my body had a mind of its own and I just couldn't do it. I've had this problem in karate class too. Sometimes my knee just decides it's not going to cooperate. Once the instructor showed me at a slower pace I was ok, but while doing it, I couldn't help but be in awe of how effortless Big I makes it seem now.

She's also really good at off-balancing. I worked with one of the guys she usually works with, who gives you nothing unless you really have the technique right, and I was absolutely amazed, knowing how I've seen her throw him around and sweep his feet sometimes.

The best part of the night, for me, was learning some of the ground-fighting techniques. I'm going to be helping with a women's self defense class that starts this week, and I know that's a frequent question. "What do you do when you're pinned down?" Last night I was able to put a couple more techniques in my pocket for such a scenario and I'm really excited about them.

I came home last night and told Big I how proud I am of her for finding the martial art that suits her best. I have a feeling she's going to be doing ju-jutsu for a lifetime, and I am so excited to watch her grow and learn. After all, it's only been a few months and she's already pretty awesome.

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