March 25, 2009

A Parking Lot Tantrum

Yesterday, I completely forgot about Big I's hair cut appointment. It's the second time I've done that in the past six months. To say I'm a bit scattered lately would be a huge understatement. I just can't seem to get my act together.

I think part of my problem is a lack of sleep. Lil C has been making nightly appearances in my bedroom to go to the bathroom and then she complains that she can't go back to sleep. Usually Mr. BBM wakes up with her because I am unconscious to the world, but when I'm lacking allergy meds and I have to wake up every 10 minutes or so to scratch my tongue with my teeth, well, not much sleep happens.

Plus, Mr. BBM was completely out of it himself last night, so much so that he was talking in his sleep. He sounded as if someone had shoved a giant wad of cotton in his mouth as he yelled loudly and then even louder, "Hey, hey" and then "hey," brief pause, "HEY!" and then some garbled business that sounded like "So do you wanna bleckity bloger blugen." At first I thought it was funny, and then I looked at the clock and realized I"d been in bed over two hours and hadn't yet slept.

It makes dealing with stuff like this especially challenging. . .


This would be during the middle of Lil C's freak out in the Party City parking lot today. 


I only wish I knew how to take video. She was getting some serious air during those temper tantrum induced jumps and fits. Also, she could totally be an Irish dancer. And the tantrum back arch, featured below? Perfect in its form and effectiveness.


At this point, you're probably asking yourself what type of mother pulls out the camera and starts snapping pictures of her daughter having a total fit in a public parking area, and I'll tell you what kind. . . a seriously exhausted, frustrated one. . . with a freaking itchy tongue.


At one point, during the five-minute ordeal, a man noticed me taking pictures of her, pulled his car up beside us, and nodded approvingly in my direction. I could tell he had two carseats in the back of his car. He totally gets me. 

As I'm sitting here inserting these pictures, Lil C asked me why I had pictures of "sad 'Lil C'" and I told her I'm collecting them for a dating portfolio in the future. I think she understands, because she completely quit whining, at least for now. 

Is it any wonder I forgot Big I's appointment and can't seem to keep my life together right now? Is it any wonder that I'm actually looking forward to getting stuck with a needle at least 30 plus times tomorrow for allergy testing, because I'll be without the little one during those hours of needle pricking hell?

Tantrums kill Mommy brain cells. Spread the word.    

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