February 23, 2009

Yet Another Reason to Boycott McDonald’s

If you've been a reader here for a while, then you know that I have a love/hate (mostly the latter) relationship with McDonald's. McDonald's used to be my Thursday savior. I used to pick up food for dinner on Thursday nights because there simply wasn't enough time to make dinner and get to karate on time. In recent months, I convinced Big I that eating McDonald's food before going to karate really made no sense at all. Karate is about being healthy and strong. McDonald's, despite their best marketing efforts, is not.

Tonight, I heard about this story. If you can't see this video, you can go here to view it.  You can also go here to read more about it.

For those too lazy to click, a 21-year old McDonald's employee named Nigel Haskell was shot several times while on the job at McDonald's. McDonald's is denying his workers compensation because of the circumstances surrounding his being shot. Was he dealing drugs on the job? Joining a gang perhaps? No. While working his shift, a male customer got up and began an argument with a woman. He hit the woman in the face and Nigel, being a good samaritan, ran up to the jerk, a convicted felon and 1st class something-that-rhymes-with-glass, tackled him and dragged him out of the restaurant. He also stood at the door preventing the man from coming back inside. The man went to his car, returned with a gun and shot Nigel several times.

Nigel has had to undergo three abdominal surgeries. His medical bills top $300,000 and McDonald's says they won't pay because they say they explicitly tell their employees NOT to be hero's.

Take away the fact that they never give me my requested sauces. Include the fact that they frequently give me sprite instead of my ordered diet coke, and that I can't get a McTasty without cheese to save my life? I am so done with McDonald's.

What kind of world are we living in when we discourage good samaritan acts? What was he supposed to do? Stand there and let another man beat down a woman in the restaurant? Wait for the police while the guy kills her as others try to eat their french fries in peace. Or maybe we should all just turn our heads, allow a man to hit a woman, and maybe even drag her out the door to the car where a gun is waiting, so things can go from bad to worse.

We already live in a society where people are afraid to step up and help other people. Now this. McDonald's, you should be completely ashamed of yourselves and your stupid policies. I can guarantee you that the only nuggets my kids will be eating from now on will be coming from my freezer.

Won't you join me in boycotting the anti-good-samaritan restaurant? I would attempt to raise money for Nigel's medical bills here, but I am convinced that no judge will allow McDonald's to shirk their duties to their employee. Nigel Haskell is a hero who deserves to have his medical bills paid in full.

Was Nigel hurt while working at McDonald's, on their property?


Case closed.

McStick your not-helping-people "policy" where the sun doesn't McShine McDonald's.

If you're going to read this, then you might as well go here and read this and then join in on the conversation.

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