January 29, 2009

Ants in Your Pants and Jumping Jacks

I arrived at my classroom this morning and told my students to put away everything except for a pen. I told them we were having a quiz and that they had 10 minutes to complete it. I told them "do your best" and passed them out.

This was the quiz:

Getting to Know You Quiz

Directions: Read the entire quiz first. Follow the directions given. You have 10 minutes to complete this quiz.

  1. Write your age _____.
  2. Write your shoe size __________.
  3. Write the name of the President of the US _____________.
  4. Call the name of a friend in class, wave to them, and say hello.
  5. Stand up and shake someone's hand.
  6. Get two others to tell you their favorite color. Write the colors here:
  7. Walk to the front of the room and touch the board.
  8. Stand up and pretend you have ants in your pants
  9. Put your head on the desk and take a 10 second nap. Great job! You're almost half way there!
  10. Give a high five to two people you haven't talked to yet.
  11. Say your middle name out loud.
  12. Add 237, 4992, and 531. Answer: ______
  13. After you write the answer to #12, say "Yes! I'm so smart!"
  14. Sit down and stand up 10 times as fast as you can. Record your time here:
  15. Print the name of the planet you live on:
  16. Write the name of your favorite food here:
  17. Say "yummy, yummy in my tummy" out loud.
  18. Look at the person beside you and tell them something nice.
  19. Stand up and do 10 jumping jacks. Encourage others to join you.
  20. Don't follow any of these instructions. Just watch everyone else make a fool out of themselves and sit quietly until time is up.

Would you like to guess how many people had ants in their pants? Would you like to guess how many people yelled out, "Yes I'm so smart"? Oh people, if I had only been able to videotape it without them knowing something was up, I would have because it was quite amusing.

I figured I would start getting questions early in the quiz, but I was wrong. You wouldn't believe how many of my students eagerly went about each task, without a thought as to why I would have them do such a thing.

The first question I had was from one of the many students returning to their seat after touching the the board. His question was, "How am I supposed to do 'ants in my pants'?" I responded with, "Well, if you had bugs in your pants, it would probably be itchy." He nodded and wiggled his butt back to his seat. One of my freshman girls who read the entire quiz first, as instructed, had to hold her mouth shut while she shook and tried not to laugh out loud.

My next question came at question 15. "Do you want a serious answer to number 15?" he asked. "Be as serious as you need to be," I responded with a straight face.

Five of my students got it right from the beginning and found it quite amusing that there were students high-fiving them, calling their names out loud and asking them their favorite colors. I should note here that I told Mr. BBM this morning that I would have four follow directions and I had chosen my four well. The fifth one was an oversight on my part. I should have known. The ones who followed the instructions kept straight faces, all except for the girl who could barely hold it in, and one boy who sat in the back row grinning from ear to ear as he watched his classmates wiggle, high-five, and do jumping jacks.

I figured it was going to go one of two ways. They, those that were busy making fools of themselves, were either going to get mad or they would take it in a light-hearted way. Either way, they received the message loud and clear. Follow DIRECTIONS already!!!

About half of the kids stopped about half way through; yelling out their middle names was a bit much for some of them and they caught on. Others plugged through without a care in the world. Two who made it all the way through cracked up laughing at themselves as they finished. One kid laughed so hard he snorted.

I asked them if they were finished, grinned mischievously and explained why we had done this little exercise. This silly quiz drove the point home loud and clear.

After class, I had several students stay to ask for some help and make sure they were on the right track. I'm not saying I won't get another late assignment. The three kids who blew off class today obviously have missed this important lesson. But I like to think that me and the 17 who were there today, now have a mutual understanding. I want them to learn, and I want them to have fun while doing so, but I'm no push-over and I won't tolerate late assignments.

By the end of class today, I think it was pretty clear that at least those in attendance have been brought to my side. It's a good feeling. We'll see if I can make it last.

How would you have done on my silly quiz? Be honest!

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