January 2, 2009

The Day the Laptop Died

January 1, 2009: clearly one of the worst days of my life. I woke up after a craptastic New Years Eve and tried to log on to my computer. Some awful message came up that said something like "dumping memory" and "bad hard disk" and "can not restart" and I felt my blood pressure rising.

I have my entire life on my computer. I have pictures, documents, all my teaching materials, all those things I swear I'll try to publish someday. . . everything.

I spent the entire morning starting and restarting and freaking out. Then I just gave up and realized that while an IPOD touch is pretty fantastic, it doesn't cut it when it comes to general internet usage.

I felt like Carrie in "Sex in the City." I wanted to wrap it up in a fluffy blanket and cuddle with it, tell it everything will be o.k.  Instead, Mr. BBM went to work on it. He made it make some horrible beeping sounds and shook his head a bunch of times. He did, however, manage, to get most of my stuff onto an external hard drive. Still not that comforting when I'm about to have surgery and want my laptop to be my bedside companion for the first day or two.

So this morning, Mr. BBM packed up my baby and took it to a man who says he can fix it. Please Mr. Computerman, fix it. I beg of you.

On a completely different and unrelated note and a much more serious matter, Renovation Girl'sDad is back in the ICU and she and he need prayers pronto. Please go visit her and send her some internet love. She's my best friend and she needs it.

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