December 29, 2008

Just Call Me the Abs Slayer

For Christmas, Mr. BBM got me some workout clothing, a bunch of CDs, and an IPOD touch. I was not at all expecting an IPOD. I was quite shocked, and was sort of baffled as to why he got it for me since my little green shuffle is pretty much my best friend.

I got him some travel coffee mugs and a thermos, a slant board and two medicine balls. I debated about the weight to get him. I didn't want to go too light, because he's a big bad man and all, so I decided on a 6.6 lb. ball and a lighter 4 lb. ball. The 4 lb. one hasn't yet arrived.

Mr. BBM's dad gave him a booklet on the "Abs diet." Mr. BBM started to feel like we were all trying to tell him something. Truly, I bought him the slant board because I know how helpful it has been to me and I got him one that can be used as a bench, etc. He doesn't have time to go to the gym so I figured I'd help him make one at home.

The day after Christmas, I told him to get on the board. I took him through the abs workout my trainer does with me and that I do pretty much every other day of the week. We didn't get through the whole workout when he decided he had done enough. I couldn't really blame him. I was doing it along with him and the 6 lb. ball was pretty intense.

The day after, Mr. BBM started complaining about his abs and how sore they were. Today, he says he can't stand up straight and is debating as to whether or not he has a terrible gut-wrenching stomach virus, a potential hernia, or just completely shredded abdominal muscles. I think it is safe to give me a new nickname. Just call me the Abs Slayer.

In other news, you can also call me the Fantasy Football Slayer! I won the championship last night in my one league, beating Ikigai by 13 points after a hard fought two week championship playoff. Thanks for all the good mojo!

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