August 28, 2008

Because IT is ON

When I was first nominated for this calendar thing, I thought it was pretty funny. I’m a Mom of two girls. The most prominent picture of me on this blog is one in which I’m wearing a baggy gi. Being nominated was nice though, especially when one of the ladies commented here the other day and told me what the anonymous person who nominated me said about me.  After giving birth, it’s nice to know you’ve still got it, at least a little bit anyway.

Once the voting started, I clicked on over there and was shocked to see that I was in the top 12.  How on Earth did that happen? I’m not tech savvy. I have no robot that will vote for me 24/7.  I only have my readers, my friends and my family (and trust me when I tell you that asking my Dad to vote for me for "Hot Blogger Calendar" was just not going to sit well with him so I didn’t bother to ask).

For those of you who know me personally, you know that I am one competitive girl. Mr. BBM and I are super competitive with each other about everything. I hate to lose. I must always win, whether it’s a game, a debate, or a competition.

So, I’m calling out all the stops and I’m giving you all the reasons you’ll need to go and vote for me and secure my spot in the top 12. 

1.  Girls in gi’s are hot (usually because we’re sweating but still, one can’t argue this point).

2.  I can represent for karate girls everywhere. Forget these lingerie clad women; tough is hotter.

3.  I doubt many other women have weapons they can bring to a photo shoot.  Weapons are hot.

4.  Garter belts may be hot; but an obi (karate belt) is hotter.

5.  I used to have a dentist named Dr. "Hot"tenstein.  No lie. Would I have had a dentist with that name if a spot in the top 12 wasn’t destiny? 

6.  There are many people on the internet who think feet are hot.  Karate women don’t wear shoes.  No shoes=hot.

7.  I have quite a temper sometimes, a "hot" temper.

8.  I recently went to the beach and stayed in a "hot"el.  Uh-huh, that’s right. Would a not hot person stay in a "hot"el?  I think not.

9. When I was a kid, I used to eat "red hots" so obviously part of my body composition is "hot." You are what you eat right?

10. Doesn’t the girl who did this deserve a spot in the hot 12?

Go and vote.  You only have until September 1st to have your voice heard!

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