June 25, 2008

The Beach in Review

Disclaimer: I am distinctly aware that there are more pictures of Lil C than there are of Big I in this post.  That is because a certain 7-year old decided she’d like to try on the attitude of a pesky 14-year old while on vacation, whenever the mood moved her.  Please don’t tell me, because I am already well aware, that I am in for it, that this is revenge for being a boy-crazy-nasty-14-year old myself at one point in my life. I get it.  Just view the pictures and move on.  No lectures are necessary.  I have already consulted a locksmith to make sure she remains locked in her room indefinitely when she hits those teenage years.  The proof of the ‘tude is in this picture. View with caution. Her glare can cause premature death. . .


Actually, this glare is probably more because a certain Mommy was a little bit obsessed with the sandcastle and gave Big I a designated "spot" to work on that did not infringe on my space or my Corona Lite.

We did get some smiles out of her. We just had to promise her things like ice cream and fairies to do so. . .


Then there’s Lil C, who wanted to "surf" with Daddy and enjoyed every waking moment at the beach. . .


Non-awake moments too (Can I tell you how much I love the beach and the naps that it brings?):


Here, I’ll prove it:


What could possibly be better than a little one napping on your lap at the beach?


O.k., besides sister’s actually getting along for a brief moment.  Ah. . . that’s pretty nice too.


The only picture of me not in my swimsuit the entire week (hating Mr. BBM for this because I highly prefer more covered up viewings of the bod that is BBM):


Completely pooped out after a rough night of miniature golf:


And another night of golf. . . She’s a Tigress I tell you:


An adorable moment between a Pop-Pop and a grand-daughter. . .


While Mommy looks on with sangria in hand (are you sensing a sangria related theme to BBM Summer 2008?) . . .


The most fantastic sand castle ever built (notice the initials). . .


And more of my sandcastle because it’s just. that. good (pictures totally don’t do it justice either). . .


A satisfied BBM taking a brief break to watch the waves, after creating yet another masterpiece (the third of the week-quite relaxing because building them was kind of like meditation or something). . .


My parents, who upon discovering this picture is on my blog (4 years from now when they actually read it), will say "I look fat" and "My hair looks horrible" respectively. . .


Lil C doing an impersonation of Mr. BBM (Yes, it resulted in broken sunglasses.  It was worth it.). . .


My Dad catching a wave. . .


And almost getting dumped by it. . .


My Dad helping Big I and Lil C touch sting rays:


And me helping Lil C touch a sea star (she’s smiling because I was talking in her ear like Patrick from Sponge Bob). . .


I’m not sure why I included this picture except to say "For me to poop on. . . "  I’ve obviously been watching entirely too much Conan O’Brien.  Oh, and birds like to poop on me. . . a lot.


Big I scaling the high wall, while Mommy shakes on with fear:


My favorite picture of the week. . .


It was an all-around fabulous vacation.

***There are new reviews up at The BBM Review.  If you’re looking for a new deadbolt or new sparring shoes, you won’t want to miss the latest and greatest.  The BBM Review was just nominated for a Blogger’s Choice Award for "Best Blog About Stuff" so please click on over and vote for us!  We certainly appreciate the nomination and any votes we get!  Thanks especially to Becky for the nomination!!!



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